Reviews 66
Most recent
3 years ago

the waiting time is unbelievable!!!

the waiting time is unbelievable!!!
it was like I'm waiting to deliver a baby, and u know.. even babies come faster than that!
and finally when the doctor saw me, he recommended a warm cloth for my eye as a treatment.. If only I knew, I'd ask my grandmother nt bothering myself with that waiting time.

3 years ago

The worst!!

The worst!!
My daughter needed glasses at 1 yo and we had Kaiser- had to change insurances and since there are only a handful of pediatric ophthalmologist Shiley was one that we Research that had reputable doctors. Well first it took forever to get through the maze of numbers and receptionist, that were not helpful at all to even get an appointment and confirm insurance coverage. Both doctors we researched that were pediatric were unavailable but we were told that the other doc could help and were pediatric as well. We went for the first appointment and they didn t have us with the right doctor but again assured us that they could see our daughter. We were seen by 1 nurse 2 fellows another nurse and finally the doctor, who was in and out in 5 min, and suggested another appointment and another RX for her glasses. They also suggested that she might need surgery and that we should prepare for that just to be done. We got the new prescription for my daughter and made another appointment 2 months later. At the 2 month appointment they double dilated her eyes, told us she needed a new rx (and kids glasses are not cheap and most of the time need to be custom) and that we should look at surgery schedules since it is muscular and that can only be changed with surgery. We also needed to make another appointment in 2 months. We show up now for the 3rd appointment after 2 month and they tell us she needs surgery, a new RX and that we needed (like we knew we should have been and this was the first time it was mentioned) to be patching her eye. We asked for a second opinion and they were annoyed that we asked. We reached out to her previous ophthalmologist for recommendations and a second opinion and she gave us the name and was surprised that Shiley saw us considering both of their pediatricians were out. Once we saw a new doctor for a second opinion he said that our daughter did not need surgery, did not need eyepatching, and that the prescription that she was given was completely wrong and was making her eyes worse. Luckily my daughter is doing much better now and is able to see with her corrected prescription. But then the nightmare wasn t over, we were sent bills of over $1000 for the multiple appointments for out of network coverage since the doctors that did see her are not part of our plan, Even though the two pediatric ophthalmologists were. The whole thing left us upset, but it was the fact that the first thing suggested was surgery when my daughter did not need it. Would rather pay for better care out of network than return there.

3 years ago

I have been a patient for many years, but I fired ...

I have been a patient for many years, but I fired them this morning. After driving 45 minutes, and waiting 45 minutes, I decided to find another provider. I have a 45 minute rule and will not wait more than 45 minutes for ANYONE. It tells me that the provider has no respect for my time.

3 years ago

I had a 1:45pm appt I don't even know why I bother...

I had a 1:45pm appt I don't even know why I bothered to be there on time I wasn't seen for over an hour for a scheduled appointment then over 2 hours later I'm still waiting to be seen by the attending. Does anyone understand basic management of a practice? Get it together people. I now get to drive home in 5pm traffic because a simple 15 minute appointment couldn't be managed in a reasonable amount of time. Totally unacceptable for a business to run this inefficiently. Plenty of other busy medical offices manage to see patients in an appropriate amount of time. Only good thing about them is UCSD has good doctors. ONLY good thing.

3 years ago

My husband s experience, showed up for a scheduled...

My husband s experience, showed up for a scheduled regular eye exam and took over an hour to be put in a room then an additional 1.5 hours to be seen by a resident. Was told all was normal but needed to wait to be seen by the attending MD. After another 45min my husband left as clearly his time was not valued by anyone in this office. Will never come back for routine eye care again will definitely be going elsewhere. We even called the UCSD we listen number to report our experience and they said we d receive a call back to hear our concern and they never called back. Extremely poor customer service.

3 years ago

It is ashamed to see an Eye medical centr rating t...

It is ashamed to see an Eye medical centr rating to be 3.1, now I know why?
I tried to make an appointment with them they took me to registration office checking my insurance, my referral doctor and etc for 43 minutes. finally they told me I am already registered with them. then send me back to scheduling department, Manni was there She was acting like I have to big her to talk to me let alone to make an appointment with them, if they were trained well they must know we ( all patients ) have lots of choices to pick, in realty they have to big us to go there. I DO NOT RECOMEND ANYBODY THERE AT ALL.

3 years ago

After two days of processing my experiences recent...

After two days of processing my experiences recently at Shiley Eye Institute and my total experience at UCSD Medical facilities, I have come to a hard but freeing decision, I will no longer seek care with them. I am a Black, unmarried woman in my mid 40 s, with five children and currently unemployed. If you were to place all of those titles in a box, I would be the classic black stereotype, a stereotype that would not be applied to my female white counterpart, but I am forced to bear. I am a stereotype that UCSD Medical Center could not see passed. In the last several months I have had to come to terms with the outright bigotry of the doctors I was subjected to and in their defense they were exposed to the anger I carried for a lifetime of being treated poorly for nothing deeper than the shade of my skin. I can t say my despair began at UCSD, but I can say the reality of who I am did. I truly believed that my quality of life and their ability to help me would overcome any system mired in bigotry, I was wrong. You all may think this is a letter of injustice and frustration and maybe even a week ago it would have been, but now it isn t. UCSD made me see my blackness, I proclaimed myself as a True American because I carried the blood of immigrant, native, and slave; but UCSD made me understand that what I am is Black and for that I am grateful to them. I know longer feel the need to straightened my hair or give credit to my Irish immigrant grandmother for the length there of. Now I walk in as a Black woman expecting nothing and no longer disappointed when that is exactly what I get. UCSD, you have shown me that I am self-created, and my dignity is not worth a cure I am truly grateful and glad in this lesson. I have never mentally felt stronger, despite my physical limitations. I looked in the mirror and saw me, it was my moment that you provided via doctors like your esteemed neurological ophthalmologist who spoke to his recorder (about me so was unable to speak to me). I listened as he made comments on my obvious health, though he did not know that I spent two days sitting to avoid exhaustion during his appointment or that I spent another day resting after. He rolled his eyes several times when I could not recall names and commented on my not wanting to have a disease that I seem to believe I had or in his mind, I wanted to have. I smiled when he turned his back on me with a final comment not even showing the common courtesy to hear my response. This time I did not walk out angry but exhilarated because I had decided what they saw was unimportant but what they allowed me to see was priceless. I think it will take several days to wash my blackness from him and I pray that he is able to do that, not because of forgiveness, I have none; not because of mercy, at this time, it is not in me. I wish it so that he will never know what is to be with someone who is strong and dignified even when people would cast you as otherwise. I will offer no names because in the end it is not the number of racist doctors I experience at UCSD but the very system that nourishes this bigotry that they are unequipped to handle, because despite numerous complaints from my people and action from the State they still do not believe it to be an issue. So I have decided to end my relationship with UCSD and accept that I will probably never run in hills with my son again, but even that is okay because I can sit and talk to him of my discovery of self and UCSD's help in that. I must, however, acknowledge the Doctors , nurses, operators, and staff who despite this toxic environment treated me with nothing but dignity, consideration, and to the best of their abilities answers, and where no answers existed, they were humane enough to let me walk out with hope and those I will name. Dr. Deluba, Dr. Jewbleski, all the nurses that I have encountered, all the reception I have encountered, the phone attendants who had to process my anger when I could not and even the bigots because you taught something a textbook never could and in that I am glad.

3 years ago

Watch out for the scam with parking. A thorough ey...

Watch out for the scam with parking. A thorough eye exam, was followed by the shock that I had a yellow slip on my car. I read the slip and found out that I was being shaken down for 65 USD for parking without a "permit". When I checked in for the appointment, the receptionist did not mention that I would need a parking permit. Years ago when I came, the permits were provided automatically. How was I to know that I was expected to go to a machine and purchase a 1 USD permit per hour? When I complained about this, I was told the signs are everywhere. If they were everywhere, I would have purchased the permit. I then had to call a number only to be told that I must appeal the fine. I asked to speak to the General Manager of the hospital. I was told she would tell me the same thing. How would you like to come to a clinic and then find out that you are being fined 65 USD simply because of the negligence of the reception staff, and the whole check in process? Why was I not told that I needed a permit? Why are there no signs on the check-in desk? Needless to say I will not be paying any such fines, but this is going to take up my time unnecessarily. Shiley - you can do a lot better than this. Put up signs and ensure they are visible for all to see. Ensure your less than caring receptionists provide information about the parking situation upon check-in.

3 years ago

Dr. Natalie Afshari provided me the most efficient...

Dr. Natalie Afshari provided me the most efficient and professional service. I have been to several ophthalmologist, but none like Dr. Afshari. I was looking for the best ophthalmologist in San Diego because I had not been able to find why my eyes were always irritated. In a question of minutes, Dr. Afshari was able to provide me with the appropriate diagnosis. I recommend Dr. Ashari over any other ophthalmologist in San Diego.

3 years ago

Dr haw did an excellent job on my cataract surgery...

Dr haw did an excellent job on my cataract surgery. He explained the process in detail before and after the the surgery taking time to listen to my questions.. He figured out the calculations since years ago I had lasik surgery. I now have 20 -20 vision. Great job Dr. Haw ! John G.

3 years ago

Nobody get back to my mom until I will be looking ...

Nobody get back to my mom until I will be looking for medical expert that specializes in Phthisis Bulbi which was I have surgical failure to treat Macular Hole by Dr. Shakin since April 5, 2006 the last operation. Once again, we regret that we're looking for medical expert in the New York area that specializes in Phthisis Bulbi and medical biology research in Glaucoma to lower my eye pressure with Focal Laser Cyclophotocoagulation (FLCP) to treat advanced glaucoma while my eye pressure is 26 mm Hg since Dr. Ritch and Dr. Tello. This will go by new technology with medical expert.for Glaucoma & Phthisis Bulbi.

3 years ago

Dr. Weinreb saved my husbands eyesight. The majro...

Dr. Weinreb saved my husbands eyesight. The majroity of the frustrations in these comments around wait times and bedside manner honestly feel quite irrelevant when you are talking about the ridiculious technology, experience and amazing advancements at Shiely Eye with Weinreb leading the charge. I can only imagine the time and sacrifice that has gone into making Shiley what it is today.

We travel from far northern California in order to see Weinreb and after my husbands most recent surgery he was experiencing post op pain. He worked us into the clinic and saw him 6 times in one day until we could get the cause of his pain under control.

So next time you are having to wait, maybe remeber that there are patients who he is fighting to make space for when they are in crisis.

Bring a book.

Lastly, we have experienced nothing but kindness and attentivness by Dr. Weinreb and his staff.

Again, he literally saved his sight with our local doctor gave us no hope. I don't care if we have to wait a bit or if he is only in the room a couple of minutes. We are forever profoundly grateful for him and his team.

3 years ago

Yesterday I took my 3 year old daughter (Toddler!)...

Yesterday I took my 3 year old daughter (Toddler!) for her Annual check up. Firts, The Intern that checked my daughter s eyes was not interactive at all with my daughter, it was like she was talking to an Adult, look at me , no! Turn this way .. not at all friendly, like she had never interacted with a child. Second, we waited 3 hours to FINALLY see the REAL DOCTOR, Dr. R. and by that time my Toddler was exhausted, it was 4:45pm and we had arrived at 1:45pm. Those of you who are parents understand the feeling. This wait time for a 3 year old patient is NOT OK. By that time my daughter did not want to get her yes touched anymore she was tired and hungry, so the Real Doctor did not get to check her eyes. Lastly, when we finally got to see the real Doctor she said , everything is ok , I ll see you in a year . So we waited 3 hours to get my daughters eyes dialated, checked by an INTERN, who is not a Real doctor yet, and the Doctor revealed the news that everything is ok. It is very frustrating to see that professional doctors don t take children and families into consideration. Definitely changing doctors. P.S. I should have read the reviews before going.

3 years ago

If you have serious eye issues and want to be able...

If you have serious eye issues and want to be able to see do not go here. I thought I was coming to the best surgeon around ( Dr. Grante) but he is not. He will manage to do your surgery but he will never be around for you afterwards to complete it or to make sure things turn out right which they did not.

3 years ago

Had an emergency on a Friday evening. I went to th...

Had an emergency on a Friday evening. I went to the emergency room and was transferred to UC San Diego. Two doctors came and did a through examination came up with a plan and set me up for 8:00 am on Saturday. Dr. Knight was there ready for me. He took his time, made sure I was comfortable the entire time. I am very thankful for everyone and the care I received. Dr. Knight is amazing and very smart. Thank you to Dr.Chan and I didn t catch her name but the doctor that worked with her was also excellent thank you all.

Well my tear actually required surgery with Dr. Freeman and Dr. Knight. I have trouble with twighlight anesthesia so they put me to sleep for the procedure. The anesthesiologist was very professional and waited for the doctor in case I had any questions. The procedure went fast and was painless and I had a follow up appointment yesterday and again I have to give them 5 stars. I think Dr. Knight is going to be a top notch retinal specialist after his fellowship with Dr. Freeman is through. Dr. Freeman is an excellent doctor. I have also been seeing another specialist at UC San Diego for my bladder Dr. Parsons and he too is in my opinion at the top of his field.

3 years ago

My appointment was on time.

My appointment was on time.
The staff was polite.
The Doctor took his time and was able to answer all my questions with good knowledge .
I am very please a how I have been treated at Shiley eye Institute .

3 years ago

First cataract surgery went really well, great res...

First cataract surgery went really well, great results. Second cataract surgery I could see really well the week after, though I had no more close-up vision Then within a week later I had really bad vision and some Blurry watery spots, and was told that it would settle down and I requested a visit anyway. And sure enough I had inflammation and fluid in the eye which can happen with surgery but is very rare (macular Edema) and It took a couple of months of drops of two different types for it to subside somewhat. When I returned I found out that I could have perfect distance vision with glasses which is what I had before surgery and I still didn't have my close-up vision and I still have blurry spots to go through my eye but I was told that I no longer have the fluid and if I was really unhappy to come back in six months. The doctor also told me that the insurance didn't cover it that getting a toric lens which cost me $1000 more would help my vision, and clearly it did not. Then I got a letter that my new insurance is not covered by Shirley and to find another provider so overall I'm very disappointed and yes on this last one I had to wait two and more than three hours for some of my appointments. Having said this do I believe Dr Weinreb is A great surgeon, absolutely. Do I also believe and was told that complications can happen with any top surgeon in any top facility, absolutely.

4 years ago

I am patient of Shiley Eye Institute at UC San Die...

I am patient of Shiley Eye Institute at UC San Diego Health the past 15 years with multiple eye surgeries and visit to all the departments.
Shiley Eye Institute has gotten worse over the years and it makes me sad to have to accept that.

In the past I filled out many surveys but don t see any improvements to the way that some doctors treat the patients. Having the Interns to cover the most of the doctors job, doesn t provide quality visit, Doctors see you only 5 minutes and don t write any notes, At least if they enter their notes to the Epic portal I can read it.
What is the purpose of that system if is not used properly?

My latest visit experience was pathetic. I saw the doctor only for 2 minutes and i had to come back to take pictures. Any other place they take picture the same day and time. I find it amazing all these years. And I don t see any notes in the portal or any callback to tell me how was the pictures.
To be fair, some of the departments doing a good job and the doctors care about the patients.
I plan not to use them again or on limited basis with some doctors

4 years ago

The waiting is too long it doesn't matter what tim...

The waiting is too long it doesn't matter what time you get there it takes about 4 to 5 hours do you get out of there that's unacceptable and they give appointment running late it doesn't matter they're busy or not always take your 3 to 4 hours to get out of there

4 years ago

They can t schedule here, it s a mess, the ridicul...

They can t schedule here, it s a mess, the ridiculous wait times are real. Unless you re trying to get something specific done, I wouldn t come for an office visit. You ll end up waiting for hours, and you have to pay for parking.

4 years ago

An anesthesiologist employed by the Institute pote...

An anesthesiologist employed by the Institute potentially exposed several patients to hepatitis and HIV due to his mismanagement of drugs. I've learned that he has since been fired but continues to work elsewhere.

4 years ago

I don understand how this place stays open, condes...

I don understand how this place stays open, condescending, pretentious, and more interested in discussing the next vacation than talking to patient, did however speak politely into recorder ironically never making eye contact. UCSD has gotten worse over the years ans it makes me sad to have to accept that.

4 years ago

I've been to Shiley many times this year. No prob...

I've been to Shiley many times this year. No problem getting appointments, and my wait time has never been over 15-20 minutes. The staff has always been very nice and professional. I only had to show my insurance cards once, when I checked in for the first time. They always verify my identification, but I have no problem with the process. I appreciate that kind of security check.

4 years ago

I've been a patient at Shiley for over 3 years. I...

I've been a patient at Shiley for over 3 years. I've had positive and negative experiences. The staff is professional and polite.

Many reports by other patients indicate rude and unprofessional treatment from Dr. Weinrib. Other doctors at Shiley are much better at their craft and are considerate of their patients.
As a learning institution, a patient can expect excessively long waits to see a variety of medical personnel before seen by the specialist. I continue as a patient because in my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

4 years ago

Hotel look-alike facility filled with apathetic st...

Hotel look-alike facility filled with apathetic staff. My husband has been referred for a second opinion and treated like a second class citizen.Dr.Freeman or Friedman and his fellowship Dr.Amir were indifferent,arrogant, and condescending towards my husband concerns.He left the facility disappointed and even more sad.As a side note: at one point, Dr.Amir left the room door semi-opened and we overheard staff making fun of another patient who had left due to long time waiting.They were pushing the responsibility of calling patient back and offer an apology. I believe patients receive good or bad treatment at Shiley center accordingly to their financial status.Our experience was a complete disaster.

4 years ago

Bad from start to finish

Bad from start to finish

I don t have insurance. For my first visit I asked for pricing up front. It was expensive but I agreed to pay in person right then. A week later, I receive a bill in the mail, asking for more money. I bring it up to them for my follow up visit. First they tell me I should call UCSD billing because Shiley can t do anything about it. I persist, and won t you know, turns out they can fix it right there. They fix it, so whatever.

After my second visit the doctor suggests to me I get some testing done at the Perlman Labs. I ask for a price. Again they tell me they can t help me - call Perlman. So I do. They tell me I need to talk to billing. I call Billing; they tell me I need to talk to Shiley, because Shiley didn t send them the correct codes. Shiley tells me they did. Well, I go around in circles each blaming the other. I am sick of it and after over 2 hours on the phone I lose it. They agree to figure it out internally. Well that doesn t happen. I never get a price, not even a ball park. I don t know if it s gonna cost $100 or $10,000. My insurance kicks in in August, but I d prefer to have it done now if possible. But not if it s prohibitively expensive.

So I bring this up at my third visit. She tells me verbatim, Perlman Labs is just up the street. Why don t you walk over there your self? I mean I really can t believe it. Three UCSD departments that can t figure out a process, so they put the burden on the patients to figure this out. It is insane to me. I don t know if the staff is incompetent, the process is broken, or what. But it s down right pathetic. I came to UCSD so I wouldn t risk going to some fly by night operation. Well, I m not going back. How can I trust these people to handle my records?

I ve maybe filed 1 official complaint ever in my life. I m filing another.

4 years ago

We went for 2nd opinion re immediate surgery by ot...

We went for 2nd opinion re immediate surgery by other place following catarac surgery. Professional, polite, and thourough services. Not only was surgery not called for, but given swelling to corneal it could have caused permanent damage and liss of vision. Did research, which confirms what Dr Freeman at Shiley diagnosed. Saved my 83 year old father' vision.

4 years ago

Absolutely the the worst incompetent phone operato...

Absolutely the the worst incompetent phone operators. Terrible customer service long wait times. Over an hour at times on the phone.( Beware you will be hung up on and left on hold). Gone through two eye surgeries both look awful. I regret it every day I wake up and look at myself. I hide behind glasses and make up.

4 years ago

If they tell you they will call you when it's time...

If they tell you they will call you when it's time for your next appointment, don't believe it. I waited for their call and finally called to schedule my the appointment myself. My vision has gotten much worse in the last year and the soonest appointment I can get is over 3 months away. They said they don't keep a waiting list in case of a cancellation either. If I didn't have such a great doctor there, I wouldn't return.

4 years ago

If I could give a minus star I would for this doct...

If I could give a minus star I would for this doctor. We waited months to see the doctor. I filled out the form and wrote down what was rong with my child and gave it to them when we arrived. When we got in, 4 different people came in to the room before we finally saw the doctor. ALL of the people that came in the room asked the same question: Whay are you here? We were referred by Rady's Children. They should have had the notes. (since they would not give me an appointment without the notes, I knew they did) Well, they could not find the notes so they asked me to find the phone number for the Rady's Children. Really??? In the mean while we waited 2.5 hour to see him answering the same question, why we are there. They did not dilalete my sons eyes. Just took 1 picture of the cornea! That was it! When we finally saw the doctor, he spent 5 minutes with us. When I asked why he was not dialated he says: "I do not look at the back of the eye you need to see someone else for it" !!! What a horrible experience!! What a waste of my time. Please go somewhere else.

4 years ago

The one star is only for the doctors, which are gr...

The one star is only for the doctors, which are great albeit curt. The wait here is unbelievably long. I often have to take the whole day off work to come. Last time, I got there at 7AM and left near 2PM. Today, my appointment was at 2PM. It is almost 4PM now and I'm yet to be seen by the doctor. After almost 2 years coming here, I have yet to figure out how they organize the order in which they call patients, because it is not by appointment or arrival time.

4 years ago

The good - Dr. Savino's admin assistant was incred...

The good - Dr. Savino's admin assistant was incredibly helpful in getting me an appointment to coordinate with my travel from Texas to California. She was also very helpful in explaining the letter I received from Dr. Savino after my appointment.
The bad - The majority of my appointment was attended by Dr. Lin. I explained my problems, history, etc. I saw Dr Savino by telemedicine at the end of my appointment. I received a letter from Dr. Savino 10 days later that completely misstates the issues I described to Dr. Lin. At no time did I describe my issues as the one stated in the letter. The letter also states that it was dictated in my presence which is completely false. If that had happened, I would have corrected and questioned the content of the letter.
To add insult to injury, I was told today there is no way to contact these doctors to ask for an explanation. They are not on the Epic system.
My doctor in Texas was copied on this letter and since it describes issues that are unknown to her (and me), the communication is worthless.
I need accurate information to continue pursuing an answer to my vision problems. I have none at this point.
The appointment was a complete waste of time and energy.

4 years ago

I have been trying for several days to schedule an...

I have been trying for several days to schedule an appointment with Dr. Heichel, I am a patient at Balboa Naval Hospital and have been referred to UCSD Ophthalmology since they needed a specialist to take care of and perform the needed surgery on my eye. This referral was set-up by my insurance Tricare. I have called several times over the past ten days. I have left several voice mails with his assistant Bonnie. Her voicemail directs me to call the Shiley Eye Institute. When I call them, I get put on hold, disconnected, told to call back, etc. No one is willing to help me. Again, my referral was for Dr. Christopher Heichel at UCSD Medical in Hillcrest. I have had to call my insurance provider and explain that I cannot get in contact with anyone to make an appointment. Therefore, I have to start the process over and have Tricare get me a new provider, two weeks lost because someone cannot answer a phone or help in scheduling an appointment. Tricare has requested that I fill out formal statement and will investigate if this provider should be removed as a Tricare Provider. I believe all the reviews on here about their customer service.

4 years ago

I had an appointment with Dr Eric Nudelman there s...

I had an appointment with Dr Eric Nudelman there staff where great with all the upgraded machines and the staff and his assistant was nice very professional made me feel comfortable highly recommend Shiley eye center and no waiting thank you so much for making my first very pleasant

4 years ago

I agree with other posters, they are never on time...

I agree with other posters, they are never on time but don't you dare to be late. The wait time and service is very long and ridiculous in Shiley. And after all the wait they forget to provide the new prescription you came for. I have called in several times with waits of 10 minutes and more to ask to please get what I actually came for to Shiley. So far I was not successful and still do not have the new prescription.

4 years ago

If you go for any appointment, bring a tent. The ...

If you go for any appointment, bring a tent. The wait time is terrible, partly due to the fact that you have to talk to interns, residents, medical students, etc. before you ever see a doctor. They all ask the same questions, and it is absolutely laborious. The actual doctor comes in and barely has enough time to talk to you. It is a terrible system. I like the doctor I saw, Dr. Andrew Camp, but be prepared to 2.5 - 3 hours for an initial appt.

4 years ago

As an introduction to the Shiley experience, we wa...

As an introduction to the Shiley experience, we waited there 40 minutes past the appointment time without any update. Due to Covid-19 protocol, there were few places to sit. As people were called, they placed a note on the chair indicating it had to be sprayed/sanitized prior to using. No one sanitized the chairs, so they sat with notes on them while elderly people stood waiting. it was obvious the "system" wasn't working albeit plenty of staff to fix the problem. We grew tired of waiting in that environment and cancelled the appointment. They need their "Dedicated Experience Specialists" to be PROactive rather than REactive.

4 years ago

Dr.Afshari is fantastic!

Dr.Afshari is fantastic!
I had cataract surgery on both eyes and they turned out better than expected.
One day after surgery I had 20/20 vision
I had no idea that it was even possible.
Thank you Dr.Afshari I really could not be more thrilled.

4 years ago

Very bad service, I went there for a eye checkup a...

Very bad service, I went there for a eye checkup as I have eye pain, there come 3 doctors and no one of them make me examination and give my explanation for the pain, I paid a lot of money for nothing I felt like stolen.

4 years ago

Go see anyone else

Go see anyone else

I came in for a 3rd opinion ophthalmologist visit on an eye issue I've been having. They rushed me into a bandage surgery, downplaying both how much it would affect me and how much it would cost. I thought I was just getting a contact in my eye - turns out I was bed ridden in pain for days, unable to look at any screens or brightness. I spent the first several days in excruciating pain which they said wouldn't happen, when I called to tell them about it they literally told me to "just stop using that eye". Oh thanks. We went from "you'll be able to work" to "just stop using that eye." When I saw the doctor a week later he was surprised by my reaction and downplayed it. Thanks buddy.

Anyway I just got charged 5k for a procedure I wasn't at all prepared for and would have never accepted. Lost over 1k in wages due to lost work. Staff needs to work on their communication. I've seen several ophthalmologists in the area and not all of them were good but they were all much better than this.

Oh hey they were taking great covid safety procedures though I'll give them 1 star for that!

***update*** any other san diego ophthalmologist would have charged me 300-500 dollars for what this place charged me 5k for.

4 years ago



4 years ago

I ve always had a great experience here with my ey...

I ve always had a great experience here with my eye exams in the past. I recently scheduled my yearly eye exam and I needed it ASAP so I took the earliest appointment I could get. My appointment was with Dr. Maria Laura Gomez Freeman. She checks my vision with my contacts in, then asks me to take them out. I ask where can I put my contacts? And she says you didn t bring your case? Sounding annoyed as she opens the cabinets getting the contact case and solution. After this I didn t try to engage in any conversation with her unless it was related to that appointment. We get to the phoropter for my eyeglasses prescription. Because of covid we are required to wear masks and if you wear glasses, you know it gets foggy. Well I fogged up the phoropter and Dr. Freeman got mad at me for fogging up the equipment and told me not to do it again as if I was doing it on purpose. She did engage in some small talk towards the end of my exam, but my impressions on her were already set. She just wasn t very personable and came off a bit rude. Well definitely ask for my usual optometrist next time.

4 years ago

You have to wait for long hours. I took an appoint...

You have to wait for long hours. I took an appointment for 1PM, But got my turn at 2.10PM Its horrible but doctor was nice. Horrible part is that Parking is paid. Extra $ for parking .. Its not worth..

4 years ago

I purchased a new pair of glasses at the optical s...

I purchased a new pair of glasses at the optical shop. I had also ordered sunglasses which attach to the frames. When the sunglass attachment arrived, they were extremely disappointing. Very cheap looking and difficult to attach. The staff were very professional and allowed me to return them for a refund. Hated the "clip-ons", loved the service!

About UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center

UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center: Providing Comprehensive Eye Care, Research, and Education

The UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center is a renowned academic institution that offers comprehensive programs for the clinical care of patients with eye disorders. It is the only center in the San Diego area that provides cutting-edge research on surgical techniques and treatments of eye diseases, education in the field of ophthalmology, and innovative outreach to the community.

At UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center, we are committed to providing our patients with exceptional care. Our team of highly skilled ophthalmologists specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, corneal disease and more. We use state-of-the-art technology to provide accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Our center is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus photography, visual field testing equipment among others which help us diagnose various eye conditions accurately. We also offer a range of treatment options including laser surgery for vision correction or glaucoma management.

In addition to providing clinical care services for our patients' eyesight needs; we are also dedicated to advancing research on surgical techniques and treatments for various eye diseases. Our researchers work tirelessly towards developing new therapies that can improve outcomes for patients suffering from different types of ocular disorders.

We believe that education plays an essential role in improving patient outcomes; hence we offer training programs in ophthalmology at all levels - from medical students through residency training up until fellowship programs. Our faculty members are experts in their respective fields who provide hands-on training opportunities using state-of-the-art equipment.

At UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center we understand how important it is to reach out to communities beyond our walls; hence we have developed innovative outreach programs aimed at educating people about good ocular health practices while also offering free screenings for common vision problems like refractive errors or cataracts.

In conclusion: The UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center is an academic institution dedicated to providing comprehensive clinical care services while advancing research on surgical techniques and treatments for various ocular disorders. We offer educational opportunities at all levels - from medical students through residency training up until fellowship programs - using state-of-the-art equipment under expert guidance by faculty members who specialize in their respective fields. Additionally; our innovative outreach initiatives aim at educating people about good ocular health practices while offering free screenings for common vision problems like refractive errors or cataracts."

UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center

UC San Diego Shiley Eye Center
