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1 year ago


Disgusted by this so called church. Protecting pedophiles and murders rather than the children is shameful. I will never trust this church with my family.

3 years ago

Another branch of the Catholic Church that activel...

Another branch of the Catholic Church that actively covered up pedophilia and abuse.

Boston is not alone. Baltimore is not alone. This MUST have gone to the top, and colluders are active still. Expose them. Regain credibility. For you have none.

3 years ago


3 years ago

After watching the Keepers, I am ashamed to say th...

After watching the Keepers, I am ashamed to say that I am Catholic. The city of Baltimore and the Archdiose of Baltimore covered up murder and sexual abuse of children for decades. Rest in Pease Sister Cathy Cesnik.

3 years ago

Thanks to Netflix, the whole world knows what you ...

Thanks to Netflix, the whole world knows what you have done. I hope you feel your shame every day. Why not close down your nest of vipers, sell off your assets and give your money to the poor. In the next life you will pay dearly for what you ve done.

3 years ago

As a member of this archdiocese, I can attest to t...

As a member of this archdiocese, I can attest to the strong morals and high values preached by many of the dedicated ordained and lay-ministers who currently serve the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

For anyone posting to Google Reviews for this (or any) site, I encourage you to only do so if you are a direct "consumer" of the product or service being provided. To do otherwise dilutes value of Google Reviews.

3 years ago

I will never trust in the Catholic Church ever aga...

I will never trust in the Catholic Church ever again! You all are devils dressed up in holy garb trying to portray yourselves as holy leaders of God! The Keepers is a great documentary to put you all on blast! Karma is finally being paid to all you evil doers! Only God can and will pass true judgement on all of you involved in sexually abusing of these innocent students and all those involved in the cover-up!

3 years ago

The Church has been, is, and always will be doing ...

The Church has been, is, and always will be doing wonderful things for people all over the world. The church is not without issues. But since The Keepers indecent, the Church's monitoring, discipline, and transparency is at a very high level. Do the research and you will see this. Open your heart and visit the Catholic Church. It is a wonderful way to live.

3 years ago

Deuteronomy 32:35

Deuteronomy 32:35
"Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly." There are so many of you that will spend an eternity in hell, well deserved.

3 years ago

Have you no humility before the lord? Have you no ...

Have you no humility before the lord? Have you no heart for Jesus Christ and his actual teachings? The Keepers. May God be with your wretched souls. Praying for the leadership within this organization. That your hearts will be so convicted and overwhelmed with doing the right thing. Rest in heaven Sister Cesnik. May God grant an abundance of peace to the hundreds of survivors of Maskells terror.

3 years ago

For everyone sticking up for the church.. Nobody c...

For everyone sticking up for the church.. Nobody cares how you feel. Ask your kids what they think in 20 years. Your religion is lies, garbage, corrupt, and preys on the weak from top to bottom. Sheep.

3 years ago

This building represents the condoning of child ra...

This building represents the condoning of child rape and abuse and should be treated as such. If the government will not bring justice upon these vermin, then it is up to us, the people, to execute justice.
And so I call to all people reading this, my brothers and sisters, I urge you to desecrate this building.
Paint the walls of this building red with words as "Pedophiles, Child Rapists, Monsters, Maskell", throw rotten eggs, and don't let up until they show actual regret and for what they have done. THEY CANNOT BE LEFT UNPUNISHED! THERE WILL BE REPENTANCE!

3 years ago

A decades-long history of covering up for cruel an...

A decades-long history of covering up for cruel and demented pedophiles. To this day they use your contributions to pay lawyers to work against proposed laws in Baltimore that could help bring child abusers to justice. Until this organization starts taking accountability for their actions in knowlingly prolonging the destruction of countless lives/childhoods you should obviously keep your loved ones far, far away.

3 years ago

Matthew 21:13: 'My house shall be called a house o...

Matthew 21:13: 'My house shall be called a house of prayer'; but you are making it a robbers' den." You are literally making the supposedly "Body of Christ" into a den of robbers, pedophiles and sickos. Good job, at least you fulfilled part of the Scripture, I guess. SHAME ON YOU!

3 years ago

This institution is the reason why I hope there is...

This institution is the reason why I hope there is a hell. I wish all those who have scarred and ruined and raped the innocents burn in hell for the eternal punishment. I also hope that there is a justice one day for the victims who suffered and was belittled by the unimaginable neglect and cowardish act of this institution.
See The Keeper, the documentary.

3 years ago

There are good people in every group I mean look a...

There are good people in every group I mean look at Sister Cathy she was good. But the ones who are really bad are often horrible. For those of you who knew what was going on even back in 1967 should have dealt with Maskell and Sister Cathy would still be alive and all those girls wouldn't have been raped. For all you judges, attorney's and police who knew what was going on shame on you. I hope you have changed things big time. I hope there are background checks on everyone who comes in contact with the youth. And I would like to see all those who sexually abuse children prosecuted no matter how old the crime is. RIP Sister Cathy and Joyce.

3 years ago

If only we could rate it negative by millions. Eve...

If only we could rate it negative by millions. Everyone of you involved with them, including Kevin Murphy, the president of the Senate and committees, should and will rot in hell. Let no children be near you.

3 years ago

Baltimore has great catholic churches and a wonder...

Baltimore has great catholic churches and a wonderful community. I love worshiping in this city and visiting the cathedral and basilica. But the Archdiocese has a long way to go to recover from the shame and tragedies that occurred during my mother's generation.

3 years ago

Through research of my own and the documentary, I ...

Through research of my own and the documentary, I hope that you will be continued to be viewed as the corrupted corporation that you are. You lie about stuff that you already had previous acknowledge. I am not religious, but if you wanted to try and save some faith. You would hold your hands up, open to your community and be honest and held accountable. There is so much abuse still happening within the catholic church, that is constantly swept under the carpet or denied.

3 years ago

It is one thing for a sick sick man to abuse, crue...

It is one thing for a sick sick man to abuse, cruelly and ruthlessly abuse, children. It is another level of evil, the antithesis of Christian behavior, to ensure the sicko had continued access to children, to treat his victims as if they were in the wrong, to dismiss them. What right do you have to decide that so many peoples' lives don't matter? We have stopped giving to catholic charities, and I hope those currently doing Christian good work under the catholic umbrella, continue to do their good work within another organization. DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE.

3 years ago

A person who understands that mistakes happen and ...

A person who understands that mistakes happen and humans are not perfect.
Also a person who knows that God is love and mercy and these things can be extended to the Archdiocese as they should be to everyone.

3 years ago

Protectors of pedophiles and abusers.

Protectors of pedophiles and abusers.


But also criminals.

They knew for years about Father Maskell and they left him in a position of authority over children to continue his abuse, raping and destroying lives.

They continue to oppose bills that would help victims find justice.

You are vile, disgusting people.

I do not know how you manage to live with yourselves, knowing the devastation you let happen to protect the business that is your Church.

God does not forgive rape.

God does not condone violating an innocent child's body.

There is no forgiveness for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, first of its kind in the supposedly glorious US of A.

Your organization is a disgrace to the entire human race.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

3 years ago

I like how all the 5 stars on here are all given b...

I like how all the 5 stars on here are all given by men and they say they are members like it gives them some kind of credibility; stating how they don t understand how everyone is getting their information off a movie when clearly mostly people are sayin AFTER I WATCH THE MOVE AND DOING MY OWN sit down man. You re just making your religion look worse but because you re a man, YES! And to the one 5 star given a person that went to the school and how we need to get over it because it was just a tv show....I know you naive. I m glad nothing has happened to you while you were there but it doesn t mean that it did happen and maybe you need to be thanking these women that has came forth because you might ve been a victim. So don t dismiss just because you had a wonderful experience at the high school.

AFTER MY OWN RESEARCH, I m truly saddened. No words to express. 1 star just given...if I could give 0. I would.

3 years ago

Shame on you!! The keepers has exposed your lies. ...

Shame on you!! The keepers has exposed your lies. You knew in 1967 that you had a pedophile in your midst and did nothing to stop him. You just pawned him off on another parish so he could continue ruining young peoples lives. What an absolute disgrace!!!

3 years ago

Your response and reaction to all the abuse and ne...

Your response and reaction to all the abuse and neglect that went on is the most unholy action I have ever seen. You should be ashamed. How any of you consider yourselves people of God, it bewilders me.

3 years ago

I PRAY TO GOD every day that all those involved i...

I PRAY TO GOD every day that all those involved in this organization that are covering murders, rapes or helping in any way any pedophile or murderer belonging to the Catholic Church or any other religion ROT IN HELL!!!!!! SHAME ON YOU!

3 years ago

Shame on you and all organizations like yours who ...

Shame on you and all organizations like yours who profit from people's faith. You clearly protected many pedophiles and abusers and still continue to protect/cover up the monstrosities these people committed. This is one of the biggest reasons I left the church. I learned in a very harsh way that the church was not my refuge. You are suppose to protect the innocent not the guilty.

3 years ago

Just watched "The Keepers." Sick. How dare the Cat...

Just watched "The Keepers." Sick. How dare the Catholic Church presume to have any moral authority to pass judgement on anyone (LGBTQ, abortion patients, atheists, "sinners", ect...) when it covered up murder, rape, and sexual molestation committed by its own priests. The Baltimore Archdiocese knowingly allowed a violent sex offender back into its workforce and thereby endangered the lives of who knows how many children. The Baltimore Archdiocese and its legal team portrayed the women who were victimized beyond belief by a criminal in the Archdiocese's own ranks as "confused" and "crazy." Quite the contrary. It's the Baltimore Archdiocese, who kept secret and denied the actions of its predator priests, that's confused and crazy. Purveyor of god's word my a - -.

3 years ago

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of th...

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.
-Haile Selassie

3 years ago

THIS system is a BUSINESS made to cover up their a...

THIS system is a BUSINESS made to cover up their abuse, rapes, and mistreatment of children ALL done for greed and power. People underestimate the power these group have, absolutely disgusting! I hope I am alive to see the downfall of religion and the destruction of such buildings! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED TO BE EVEN PART OF THIS. Even though you don't do it directly, working for them is basically helping the cover ups.

3 years ago

I'm not the type of person to normally write revie...

I'm not the type of person to normally write reviews, but after watching The Keepers and delving into my own research I felt compelled to. I know there are good people at the Baltimore Archdiocese. All those good people, however, can not make up for the profound evil that occurred there. The fact that the Baltimore Archdiocese still actively blocks bills that would extend the statute of limitations disturbs me greatly. Such bills would help child assault survivors seek justice. Why wouldn't your establishment want that? I seriously doubt any leaders in your church will read these reviews. For those of you who are apart of this community that do, however, I ask that you truly take a hard look at the practices and leaders of your church. Faith can be a beautiful thing, yet the acts of leaders in your church caused so many to lose their faith. Children lost their childhoods. Families and friends lost loved ones. At the center of this two women were murdered. The people demand justice.

3 years ago

Who do you call to make a compliant...God himself?...

Who do you call to make a compliant...God himself?

The Catholic schools are changing how they receive payments. Now we need to pay a 3rd party. If I pay with my debit card, I end up paying an additional 400.00 a year in fees alone!!!

Does anyone look into this or does the church NOT CARE that we're being raked over the coals for processing!!!

About Archdiocese of Baltimore

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is a religious organization that serves the Catholic community in Maryland. The organization's mission is to create a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. The Archdiocese of Baltimore has a rich history dating back to the 18th century when it was established as the first diocese in the United States.

Today, the Archdiocese of Baltimore serves over half a million Catholics across nine counties in Maryland. The organization provides spiritual guidance and support to its members through various programs and services.

One of the key initiatives of the Archdiocese is its commitment to education. The organization operates over 40 schools across Maryland, providing students with a quality Catholic education that emphasizes academic excellence and spiritual growth.

In addition to education, the Archdiocese also offers various outreach programs aimed at helping those in need. These programs include food banks, homeless shelters, and counseling services for individuals struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

The Archdiocese also places great emphasis on social justice issues such as immigration reform and racial equality. Through advocacy efforts and partnerships with other organizations, they work towards creating a more just society for all people.

As an SEO-optimized content writer, it's important to note that there are several ways in which this content can outrank other websites. One way is by including relevant keywords throughout the text such as "Catholic community," "Maryland," "education," "outreach programs," "social justice," etc.

Another way is by including internal links within the content that lead readers to other pages on their website such as their schools page or outreach program page. This not only helps improve user experience but also signals to search engines that their website has valuable information related to these topics.

Overall, the Archdiocese of Baltimore plays an important role in serving Maryland's Catholic community through its commitment to education, outreach programs, social justice advocacy efforts among others. With its rich history dating back centuries ago coupled with modern-day initiatives aimed at meeting current needs within society today makes it one unique religious institution worth exploring further!

Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archdiocese of Baltimore
