Scott Dunst

3 years ago

Protectors of pedophiles and abusers.

Protectors of pedophiles and abusers.


But also criminals.

They knew for years about Father Maskell and they left him in a position of authority over children to continue his abuse, raping and destroying lives.

They continue to oppose bills that would help victims find justice.

You are vile, disgusting people.

I do not know how you manage to live with yourselves, knowing the devastation you let happen to protect the business that is your Church.

God does not forgive rape.

God does not condone violating an innocent child's body.

There is no forgiveness for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, first of its kind in the supposedly glorious US of A.

Your organization is a disgrace to the entire human race.

Shame. Shame. Shame.


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