Roberto Gomez

4 years ago

Well....i have sat here and read the reviews.........

Well....i have sat here and read the reviews......I usually read the bad reviews more than the good ones...because the good ones often seem so invented...and sadly....there are a lot of bad reviews.. a lot....I can hardly believe what I am reading.....by looking at the dates..it seems that this hospital is decompensating rapidly. .... ADministrator ! Where are you? do yo not read these reviews? The moral in this hospital must be terrible for people to act like this! ....and you are responsible for turning this place around....I hope that this is not an indication of where our society is headed ! I have been in Baptist Hospital and it has always been wonderful. I encourage the employees that might read this... please, show a little pride in your work. try to excel..... it costs nothing to do your very best and remember that people's lives are at stake....your's or the life of someone you love may be in jeopardy if they come to this hospital.... I say this with no joke... God help this hospital to clean their act up...and may their minds be renewed... Mother Teresa said that we don't have to long to do great things...but that we can do little things with great love... Please, folks at the hospital... put some love into what you are doing.... . it is too bad for those people that do good work here...that are probably swimming against the tide. May the Lord help them too....Truly ... with all due respect... please, let's work together to get this place back to where it used to be.... a great hospital ! you can do it! .................................and while you are at it.......it doesn't cost to be a little kinder...not at all...As a matter of fact...you will have a better day at work....so Smile and save a life...one life at a time....: ) you can do it! God bless you all.


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