
angela pope

4 years ago

It saddens me to give a review of this magnitude. ...

It saddens me to give a review of this magnitude. My mom was admitted to a Covid unit, 7NT. This has been the worst hospital stay at FMC. Day#1 in ED, the nurse didnt call to inform me my mom had move to an inpatient bed. This is a policy that was not followed. My mom didnt receive anything to eat after arrival to the floor. She went to sleep and didnt eat. She was on the unit in time to get supper. Day#2. Breakfast cold. coffee cold. The staff gets an attitude when you tell them its cold.
with no offer to bring another hot cup of coffee. Yes, its understood the food cant be reheated due to Covid isolation, but how inhumane to serve patients cold food. There's not enough staff to get the trays out. Dietary needs to be fitted for mask and resume their duties of passing the trays. Novant has had enough time to resolve this problem. Some of the nurses and nurse assistants on the unit didnt show compassion. Mom wasnt getting a bath I had to call the nurse approx 3:30pm to ask her to tell the CNA to give mom a bath. Day#3. Mom still had to ask to get a bath late afternoon. This is basic nursing care. My mom couldnt even get assistance to open a splenda packet on her tray or get set up to eat. This is basic nursing care. She was told " you need to do more for yourself"!!!! My mom has neuropathy in her fingers due to diabetes!!! A male nurse was in my mom room when she needed to have a BM. She told the nurse I need to use the bedpan, even said please hurry! She was ignored. She asked again. He did nothing. She begun to stool on herself. She told him and he said to her, just go ahead and finish. My mom was embarrassed and humiliated. Yes, she was cleaned up, but why would anyone treat a sick patient this way. The room phone hasnt had a ringer since admit. My mom watches for the light on the phone to know when its ringing. A work order was finally put in on Day 3. Why did it take 3 days. Day#4 Mom is still waiting for her phone to be checked. She's still watchinh the light.The majority of care was poor. This was not a remarkable experience.


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