
kathleen stewart

3 years ago

My husband came to the ER on Sunday morning, Janua...

My husband came to the ER on Sunday morning, January 31st and came in contact with several departments on his admission through Thursday, February 4th. Almost every person we came in contact with was amazing. He had emergency surgery with Dr. Call and Dr. Josh Rickey. Pulmonary staff which I didn t get names, Dr. Darnell from Infectious Disease and a list of wonderful nurses, RTs, CNAs, and nutrition services. Here are the names of the exceptional staff we encountered:
ICU 112 Jennifer, Ashleigh, Terrance, Lenore
7317 Katie, Toshima, Mara, Mackenzie
X-ray Marla, Rickey
We appreciate you all for your care and compassion! Each one of you were exceptional!
Those who assisted Dr. Call in the OR I never got your names, but thank you for saving my husband s life. Me and our 3 children appreciate you all. And the lady from nutrition services I never got your name, but you were so kind and helpful. I need to specifically point out Mara and Katie from 7th floor. They both went out of their way to care for my husband both physically and mentally.
Travis is now home and working towards a full recovery thanks to you all!

Katie Stewart


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