Guy Renault

3 years ago

Unhealthy Hotel

Unhealthy Hotel
The staff are very pleasant, but the hotel is unsanitary.
For a 7-night business trip, I was surprised to find the first night of 8 cm cockroaches in the bathroom. I called reception who sent me a cleaning person to spray the 3 cockroaches in place with a product.
The second night every half hour a new cockroach appeared in the room and ran everywhere. Up to 5 cockroaches throughout the room. At 3 am I couldn't sleep and they changed rooms.
After a short night, the management apologized for the inconvenience and my report that I have the only one and that never happens.
What a surprise the 2nd night, in my new room, still roaches. The management apologizes again and informs me that they are going to infect the room.
But it will continue one more night.
Another surprise is the welcome gift of an apricot in a small Hilton bag. This fruit was completely moldy, in the morning I report it to the management "very surprised" apologize and tell myself to do what is necessary, but in the evening after a day of work when entering the room the moldy fruit was still present in the room. Water bottles and glasses are not replaced and we drink all week in dirty glasses.
For a HOTEL of this level and at a very high price, I find the management of this hotel not to the level and a management that makes fun of its customers.
No commercial gesture was proposed to me for this damage.
I wanted to try Hilton and came back.
There are plenty of other hotels in Mauritius of much better quality.
Goodbye Hilton goodbye and I think that by reading my message many others will hesitate to come.


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