Joe Wyant

4 years ago

There's a reason why Insurance companies are among...

There's a reason why Insurance companies are among the richest companies in the world. It's because most of us are paying them for doing nothing. They got the government to make it legal for them to steal our money. I am self employed. I am personally exempt from the ACA because I am covered by the VA, but I am forced by law to cover my small healthy family and hand over $550 a month to them for doing nothing. $6,800 deductible per person and NOTHING, I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is in the network. Not Children's Mercy or any other Hospital and not a single local Doctor. So, that thing they say.. "we pay 100% after your deductible is met".. That is a complete bold faced lie. I would be happy to pay for insurance if we actually got anything for it. The rates have went up about 40% for us over the last couple years and the coverage took a major dive. We would be MUCH better off if we paid for everything out of pocket. We went through a simple 2-1/2 day stay in Children's Mercy (observation for pneumonia) and got a bill after the measly amount they paid that would tell anyone that it's all a sham. What they are doing to the middle class is absolutely sickening.... Update: Here's another gem. After fighting back and forth with Blue Cross and the ambulance company that transported him from Children's Mercy Urgent Care to their main hospital ($1,600.00 bill for doing nothing but driving him a few miles) Come to find out there are two deductibles. One deductible for so-called in network services and one deductible for out of network services. After our $6,800.00 deductible was completely met, they received the bill from the ambulance company. Guess which "deductible" that went under. It just so happened to be applied to the in network deductible. They didn't pay one single red cent of the ambulance bill. What is this insurance for? It's for multi-billion dollar companies to make money for doing absolutely nothing. legally robbing the middle class.


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