Charlie Amy

4 years ago

I had a 50/50 experience here. I've unfortunately ...

I had a 50/50 experience here. I've unfortunately been in and out of what is now called "Ascension" the last few days, having emergency surgery and extreme post surgery pain. While I experienced some great and quick care from some of the nurses, doctors and surgeons I also had very poor experiences with other "professionals" that I was getting "care" under that honestly leave's me baffled, disgusted and angry. The people at the ER desk and the initial intake were good as well as registration. No complaints there at all. The first RN I had, Mark, was great as well. Very caring and helpful. The rest of the team that I was under that night was timely and great too, from the doctor to the surgeon and his entire team. I wish I could remember the doctors name but I fail to as I was in a lot of pain and hadn't got much sleep the previous night due to waking up from the pain. The surgeon was Brett Larsen. Him and his team were absolutely great. The second visit I had just last night/this morning wasn't so pleasant. The first RN I had, Stephen, was also great. Very helpful and caring along with the handful of doctors that came to check my mysterious pain out. But after he had left I seemed to get every rude out of line nurse on the block and the timing of care started to lag. I felt and still completely feel they were entirely insensitive, blatantly rude, complaining to a patient who was in immense pain, poor in explaining any details of what was going on and things I should know, and on a grumpy power trip? Unbelievable and completely unprofessional. I eventually decided to leave a little earlier than I wanted to because I was entirely fed up with the way I was being treated and handled all in all. Even the woman who did my CT scan was rude. The last doctor I had was great thank god. She was totally aware and understanding of my frustrations and was so helpful and comforting. If not for the handful of actual caring professionals I would write off Ascension Genesys as a place totally unfit for ill people to receive quality care and treatment. Granted I still find that questionable and won't be going back there if ever needed in the future. With all of this said I also want to say that I do realize and understand that it is a very tough profession as my mother has been in the medical field her entire working career but even aside of that I feel I'm intelligent and aware enough of the many different challenges and stressor's they often have to deal with probably on the daily but regardless, if you can't treat an honest, cooperative, young patient who is in serious pain with basic manners and decency then you have absolutely NO damn business being in the field of which you care take of people. The last nurse I had was argumentative and I honestly feel she was oddly enough trying to power trip over me in our last couple interactions. She had the nerve to try and tell me what I did or didn't experience and how I felt. I am going back to collect my medical records and to speak with whomever this should concern. If you've read this entire rave thanks for hanging until the end and a BIG thank you to the professional's who did their job well. I hope everyone's experiences were/are better than mine.


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