Gregor Rezar
Review of Haarp

3 years ago

The HAARP (High-Frequency Active Aural Research Pr...

The HAARP (High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program) is a secret project designed to rebuild the world - on the bodies of the poor.
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is (according to official sources) intended for ionospheric research. It was founded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), together with the US Navy and Alaska University. In the ionosphere, Haarp is looking for the potential to enhance telecommunications capabilities and control. It is intended to act as a missile shield to protect the United States from such attacks. It was started in 1993 and is expected to start operating in 2007 (at least one part).
And it's a secret enough "base" and a mysterious base that it spawned a whole series of conspiracy theories, and some of them seem plausible.
The Haarp project has actually been a source of conspiracy theories ever since construction, but even prominent scientists have been asking the U.S. government for more accurate reports on this secret project.
Above all, theories are known to say that with HAARP, they can turn the Earth's magnetic poles. Nick Begich, author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, said they could cause earthquakes and "burn the sky" by turning the upper atmosphere into a giant lens. HAARP is also thought to be responsible for the rather unusual clouds that have been appearing in the sky in recent years.
HAARP produces high-frequency electromagnetic waves by bombarding molecules in the ionosphere where they are heated. Electromagnetic waves bounce back and, with extremely low frequency, are supposed to penetrate all living things and all matter on Earth. This, according to Nick, would disrupt the Earth's magnetic field, disrupt radio connections and telecommunications. It also affects rocket flight, which is supposed to be the basis of the missile shield. It would also affect the weather as it would cause ozone holes over the desired landscape and cause droughts or severe storms and floods. Electromagnetic waves could also cause mechanical vibrations and cause earthquakes in the desired area. They are also thought to affect the human brain and control the mind.
Before any major earthquake, scientists are detecting unusual radio waves. HAARP is supposed to be a weapon for the creation of a new world order. According to this theory, World War III is supposed to have begun, except that the population does not know it. The Illuminati and / or the Bilderberger group are behind it all.
Extraordinary lights are expected to be followed by earthquakes ...
And people are actually reporting unusual light (similar to the Northern Lights), followed by earthquakes. In 2008, a video came out showing a strange light over China, just before the dreaded earthquake that then hit the country. And something similar is also expected to be observed before other major earthquakes and even volcanic eruptions. Even before the tsunami that most recently hit Japan.
Certainly, HAARP is influenced by magnetic waves, but of course there is no real evidence that it really has the power that is attributed to it. Of course, the US certainly does not intend to release all the data on HAARP, although the European Union has requested (approximately). And it is precisely this data concealment that is further controversial. And not just about HAARPA.
Governments (not just the US), on the pretext of being in the public interest, are hiding important information from the public and we immediately come to a paradox or rather an important issue that has been brewing for millennia. Who serves whom?


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