Katie JH
Review of Mini Critter

3 years ago

So many wrongs with this place...

So many wrongs with this place...
1)Overheard that clown loaches were thrown in a tank with (too small of tank/too many) eels, simply because they weren't selling. The eels were attacking them, as well as the african dwarf frogs. "Yeah..(fish person) just put them together. They don't belong in the same tank, but yeah."
2) I witnessed puppies with small feet getting their paws stuck in the too big of grates in the 'kennels'.
3) They sell puppies. Reputable breeders DO NOT sell their pups to pet stores, end of discussion on that.
4) They need more blankets in those 'kennels'. It's too damn cold for pups that size to be without them.
5) I watched a bird that appeared to want to jump to the floor, no one was really watching it.
6) Too many oscars to a tank.
7) They have (had?) a beautiful betta in a betta CUBE in the front of the store. Seriously? You guys sell fish, you shouldn't be stupid enough to sell those, let alone put one in it!! Also, pretty sure it was dead. Hard to tell with the water being so disgusted. Who the hell would take any fish care advise you give seriously when you can't even care for the ones in your possession?

Never going back. Dirty tanks, poor puppy conditions, too many fish to some tanks, and species being thrown into tanks that don't belong, simply because they aren't selling.


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