Patricia Schwartz

4 years ago


Should I feign surprise? Amazingly enough.. this all still pertains to the initial review. Got my car back scratched. Deeply in one spot. Made the complaint 3 weeks ago, have I been able to speak to anyone? Has anyone reached out to me? Of course not.

Apparently they can call you when they dont like your reviews, but for nothing else.

Ive involved the BBB.

My opinion stands, i will never by a used car from a dealership again.

3rd review

I dont know how to condense the below so I'll keep this short.

My 2nd rating was, while truly how I felt in that moment- pretty brutal. But things are a little more in perspective for me. So heres my update.

I got my car back yesterday. Everythings not great, but a lot has been addressed. Both Ford and Nissan were unable to coerce my car into showing them acceleration issues and because of that - they cant fix something that's not showing broken. (Cant be angry about that) soo.. when it happens the next time I will record it for evidence and see if something can be done then.

There were some recalls on my car that Nissan replaced for free and Ford waived my deductable for all the hassle. Also, it was discovered that they didnt have to give me a loaner car while they were keeping mine, so I do appreciate that.

As a first time car buyer, I'm still a little traumatized. But so far things are looking better. Engine noise is much quieter, normal for a car. I dont hear the ticking as loud either.

And again, until the acceleration issues reappear theres nothing I can do there.

I'd give them 3 1/2 stars if it gave us the option for halfs since they fixed all the things they were able to.

I may rate higher another tine - after it is seen how the remainder of other concerns are handled. But for now, yeah. Is what it is. I got my car back.


2nd review.
Rewritten and summed up.

*Not great communication from Ford, not great experience. They had my car for a while and I had to call daily to pull information or updates. I was furious that on top of how much money I had spent that I would have to pay my first carnote while driving a loan vehicle.

It was a nice Loaner, but it was the principle, and it broke my heart to feel taken advantage of.


1st review. (I wont alter this.)

This rating may change as the week progresses to make sure I am being fair, but the circumstances currently call for this 2 star rating.

I financed a car from this dealership on the 15th of last month. Its so newly purchased that I havent even paid my made my first payment to the bank on it.

And yet, Since the 20th my engine has began to make very loud, Very EMBARASSING noises. Loud continous clicking, loud fan, loud everything! And every time I drive it I run into dangerous acceleration delays. (Here I am driving on the freeway when suddenly my car doesnt want to do 60mph. It can only manage 25, so it revs and slows down to 25 mid drive)

Now granted. I bought a used car. But this ridiculous. So I finally call off work to go back to the dealership (I didnt make an appointment. I Probably should have) and they are too busy to even Turn my car on. Too busy to even give it a glance, make sure its safe. They tell me I can leave it or schedule an appointment for another day. (The guy was very nice, nothing against him.) But really?

So I scheduled an appointment gor saturday because I work M-F during their business hours but... really.. I am extremely dissilludioned. I bought it less than 20 days ago. Yet you don't look even slightly surprised by this revelation. "Ill see if i can find someone to test drive your car." "They're busy" "we're behind"... I get that I should have made an appointment. That's and my bad. But cant you just reassure me? Even a little? 20 days. Thats all its been since I signed a contract with you and your lender to pay all that money.



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