Lee Calderwood

3 years ago



Having phoned my old provider they advised me that GNE had given then an estimated reading for my gas which was curia 3000 units higher than my actual reading. So understanding the mistake this seemed simple to fix. I submitted my actual reading to GNE and gave them a call to them to please forward my actual reading to my old provider, as advised by SP. That's it! that's all they wanted to amend my final payment.

GNE however couldn't have less helpful. Firstly I was advised I was to blame for them supplying an estimated reading to my old provider because I hadn't supplied an actual reading to GNE. Which I had when setting up the new supplier and after a few weeks even submitted a further reading online, where that data went I don't know!

Even with this! The situation could have been resolved very easily. After all I have an actual reading from today that I could give them to correct this! But no! now I am advised they will treat this as a reading discrepancy and that will take a minimum off two weeks to sort out their end, plus however long that takes for them to given my old provider the actual reading. Lets be clear! it isn't a discrepancy! it was an ESTIMATED READING and I was giving an actual reading, which I had a photo of the meter reading, with a time and date stamp and included they meter serial number on it. However I was told this was unacceptable and they MUST follow 'industry standard' to which I asked can I have a reference to that industry standard to quote it to my old provider to explain the delayed actual reading being sent across to them. After being put on hold for about 5/10minutes I was told apparently no one in they company can provide me with a reference to the standard!

That's right the one the GNE MUST follow! thanks a lot! SO now I'm left with a bill from my old provider that they are quite rightly chasing me for, that I can't get amend for weeks and my first dealing with my new supplier has left me feeling that as a customer they simply couldn't care less! I'm sure that will reflect in how many customers actually renew contracts with them to. Looking at they're last filling with the Companies house it doesn't look like they'll be around too long anyway.

PLEASE, PLEASE! stay away! no one needs this unnecessary stress in their life from simply switching providers!


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