Ximena Gonzalez

3 years ago

I'm going to be very honest in my opinion regardin...

I'm going to be very honest in my opinion regarding this hotel. If what you are looking for is to be served and have a wide variety of food and drinks: this is not the hotel you are looking for.

To begin, they welcome you with a "cordial" welcome offering you a courtesy breakfast because the chain is turning x number of years and they want you to meet them in "90 minutes" but when you say that you are not interested in wasting time on your vacation they become rude and they literally want to force you to attend said breakfast "giving you tours or cash for booths or gasoline." Clear! They also ask you to go with bank cards to said breakfast so that you can enter a raffle. I did not attend that breakfast, because my interest and priority were my vacations and enjoying my family, but from there they make you have an unpleasant time.

At reception, they were unkind and courteous. They never located us about the facilities, restaurants, schedules or activities, they only gave us the cards and bye.

I travel with a companion and my son and they only gave us 2 towel cards (and my son, what?

The room (in my case) was a complete disappointment, it was dirty. The bathroom is completely neglected, it literally looks like a hotel bathroom with a star peck; the bathtub or tub was neglected, chipped and full of scale (it sucks to bathe there), the sink was broken, dirty and with scale, with water leakage.

The service is not great, nor is it lousy; Let's say that the staff does what they can with what they have, but they lack a lot, a lot of staff to be a hotel of the category that they were awarded.

There are no waiters to offer you drinks in the pool, beach or snack bar areas. You literally have to get up and go to the bar, it is worth mentioning that I went in low season and they couldn't even give this service. Obviously, if there was no one to offer you a drink less, there would be someone who would lift so much glass or plates (I had to lift my glasses, which is not annoying but I also had to lift some that were thrown away)

The drinks and snacks in the aforementioned areas are disposable, really? (Ah but the signs to help us conserve the planet and we do not wash towels daily ...) I think you should consider buying plastic plates and cups I think they do not pollute as much as disposable ones.

I asked for an umbrella for the beach which, well, I kept waiting for hours and it never came so I had to go to the pool better, and that there were no people but I can't imagine ...

The food as well as the service is not great but it is not bad either. There is only one specialty restaurant (Italian), I'm not saying it's bad but they could improve a lot. In the buffet there is not much variety of dishes, there is no dessert bar so you have to ask for them and see what there is (in my case the first day there were 3 desserts: mouse, pie or gelatin and on the second day it was gelatin or jelly )

As for the drink, because what looks good on them is water and soda ... because literally their drinks no more, apart from the good luck that there was nothing because surely the warehouse one forgot I requested purchases and there was no Malibu rum, there was no way to make a mojito because there was no mint or spearmint, and so on when I requested common and current drinks that are available anywhere.

Another thing, there is no room service and the lunch schedule ends at 10:30 pm. Literal, if you had dinner that was good and if not you already washed it because there is no more! (And is it an all-inclusive hotel?) This must definitely change.

I am very demanding about everything because I dedicate myself to this, I know what is good and what is not good in tourism for that reason, I do not give second chances and I am so hard and objective with these types of situations.

It saddens me to read that comments like mine, there are many and even sadder that the supposed manager "reads" them And answers and does not put a solution to this, they are improvements for the hotel and the chain that they should take advantage of.
Thank you


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