Linda Robertson

4 years ago

Arrived at emergency with only 5 people waiting in...

Arrived at emergency with only 5 people waiting in front of us. My Husband was in severe pain from his back and hip. He could barely walk or even sit without severe pain. Computer was down so they had to take info by hand. Took him into Triage and took temp and BP and asked questions about any illnesses (Mersa ect) he may have had. Not applicable to us. Asked him if he fell or what happened we explained he had been hurting all week with low back and hip pain but was taking Ibuprofen to keep it at bay and were hoping it would go away. Then at about 1:30 Am he woke from sleep with severe pain and attempted to get up and stood with great difficulty. He went down our steps and to the living room and tried to get into a position that would relieve the pain and he could not. Not normal type pain severe pass out pain. I got my shoes on and led him to the care and that is how we got there. By the way not once did they ask how severe the pain was by asking him for example from 1 being the lowest pain and 10 being the worst pain you can imagine. So they told us to wait in the waiting room and we would be called. My husband was crying out in pain in front of the people there and trying to keep it to himself. Changing the angle he sat at.... whatever to wait for them to call. After two and a half hours I noticed that not one of the 5 people there before us had been called in, and I had also not seen anyone be discharged from the other side. It was very strange. We asked how much longer it was going to be because he was hurting. They explained that there were patients in the exam rooms waiting to be moved to hospital rooms and as soon as they were moved they would have room to get us in but oh by the way we needed to realize that there were others here before us that would need to go first. By the way 3 of the six waiting had already given up and left the ER. So when they told us this there were two others and us still sitting and waiting for help. My husband can be a little cranky even when he is feeling good, but at three and a half hours he was very upset and hurting still. He rolled over to the desk pulled off his ID bracelet and threw it at the lady there and said we are leaving I cannot stand this anymore. I had to put my opinion in and I told them this is the third time we have had a major issue with how this Hospital runs it ER and I do not intend to keep quiet about it anymore. And I do not!!! Think about it... there are probably 30 to 40 exam rooms in the ER If several people were waiting to be sent to rooms doesn't that mean the Dr has already signed off on them? Were all the exam rooms being used? They did not have one room where my husband could have been sent so he could lie down? Are they not allowed to give him some ibuprofen to help with his pain? I am extremely angry and in the process of writing an article for my local paper about this. Oh and one more thing. In the waiting area on the outside area near the Exam room doors. Someone had spilled pop or something sticky, there was no where to sit as my husband was in a wheelchair and it was the only open spot. It was a rather large spot and my shoes kept sticking all over the place. It was already dry and sticky when we got there. Do they have no one to clean up at this hospital? It was disgusting. I hope others have better luck than us, but it really should have nothing to do with Luck, now should it?


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