Tamara Blackwell

4 years ago

In February I shipped (and insured) very expensive...

In February I shipped (and insured) very expensive music equipment to my son in Reno. 3 of the 4 pieces arrived without incident. The fourth piece (according to the tracking records) never made it out of Florence.
My son was told to wait two weeks by the Fed Ex driver in Reno. When it still did not arrive he called Fed Ex- they gave him a claim number. When he did not hear anything back after a month, I decided to take over.
I returned (in person) back to Electronics Etc. and spoke to Bess (owner); she told me that they have to handle the claim on their end and confirmed that the recording equipment never left Florence. She requested an invoice which I promptly emailed her. Two weeks passed and after getting no response, I called her- she claimed she never received the email. I double checked on my end and the email was sent without any error. I re-sent it in good faith and again... two weeks later, no confirmation or communication so I called again and once again Bess claimed she never received the email. THIS CONTINUED THROUGH 4 MORE versions of Bess never receiving the emails until one day I made her stay on the phone with me while I re-sent it and POOF! This time she magically got it!
Thinking that resolution was finally in sight- I asked her if she needed anything else- she responded "No, this is all I need to process your claim".
Well here we are... SIX MONTHS LATER, and at least a dozen more phone calls where Bess always says "she will find out what's going on" without ANY (as in ZERO) return phone calls or emails from Bess or any of the staff at Electronics Plus. I have spoken to the magistrates office and an attorney which is probably my only shot at getting Electronic Etc to follow through on this claim.


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