Christin J

4 years ago

If I could give zero stars I would! My dad was tra...

If I could give zero stars I would! My dad was transferred here after a complicated surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. The surgery went well and dad was doing wonderful. Therapy was going well and he had been off pain meds for a week. With help he was getting out of bed and progressing. Even walking a bit with his walker. He had a hip and 60% of his femur replace due cancer. He had many restrictions that were communicated to this facility. They nurses aide ignored them all!!!

He was moved to Montefiore on Monday. Wednesday he complained about his nurses aide and the care she was providing, he was okay with his nurse. By Friday he was transerred back to the Cleveland Clinc for an infection only because I was there extremely concerned about his delirium. Dad has NO history of Alzheimer's.

He was supposed to wear a hip/leg brace that they removed. He was not allowed to reach over to the opposite side of his body. His feet were to be toes up at all times for healing. This place was listed as "skilled nursing". They should have be prepared to handle all of theses restrictions, but did not.

Dad asked to have his urine container emptied since he could not get out of bed himself yet and the aide told him " this is not a hospital, you should be doing this yourself". WHAT? He had a full hip/ leg brace on and was labeled as a fall risk. He was not allowed to get up to do these things. I also complained about the temperature in the room being too high and requested it be adjusted, (my sister made the same request earlier that day).

Besides being grouchy Wednesday, he was alert and still healthy. My sister went Friday morning/early afternoon and he was confused and delirious. Another family member called him thatbday and could barely understand him and his conversation made no sense.

Wednesday morning... My sister again complained about the temperature and requested it be fixed. They turned off the heat and opened a window. When I arrived that evening, around 7pm, it was a sauna! No joke. They were in mid dressing change and requested I wait outside... I did but in hindsight I would have refused as I later found out his incision was infected and draining plus it had "opened up due to them moving him around" per the day nurse. When I got on them, all of a sudden they started moving. The aide was feeding him, they again turned off the heat and cracked a window. The aide even set up the small fan I purchased for his comfort. But... Dad was barely responsive and completely inadible due to a UTI infection and dehydration plus a new infection in his incision. Luckily I was there during a shift change. The second shift nurse took one look at him and appeared almost as concerned as I was.

She promised me that if Hillcrest could not send a nurse that night to start the IV she would have him transferrred. That's exactly what happened but from what I heard The night nurse had to fight with the administration to get him transferred. He was moved to the hospital around 10:30pm Fri.

I arrived at Hillcrest by 8:15 the next morning to check on him. There was no IV started yet but since he had been given antibiotics he was no longer delirious. Once the IV was started with fluids about an hour or so later, it was a 180 degree change. He became alert again and was able to have a conversation.

He's back at the main campus now (was transferred last night, Saturday) because of an e-coli infection and his incision was draining, swollen, red and infected! They plan to do another surgery to open the incision the clean/drain this infection.

Once dad is well enough to be moved again you can guarantee we will not send him back to this s***hole.

I do want to give a shout out to his second shift nurse (not sure if I can name her or if she would want that) for potentially saving my dads life! At least there was one person on my dads side. She deserves more than one star but the review is for the facility not the nurse.


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