William Fister

4 years ago

YOU'RE BEING WARNED! Dont EVER deal w/ this deal...

YOU'RE BEING WARNED! Dont EVER deal w/ this dealership. They're the reason car salespeople get their reputations for being liars & cheats.
My Dad, (a senior citizen & a veteran) & his wife ( a retired educator, also a disabled senior citizen) went to this dealership to buy an anniversary gift for themselves - a Lexus.
Part of the reason they chose this dealership was because of what they PROMISED/VOWED to them ...
Let me explain.
My Dad & his wife really wanted for me to be able to buy their trade-in Toyota Avalon if I wanted it. CARLOCK TOYOTA promised they would give me first option on it,- at the trade in price they were given when they got the Lexus from them.
The Day they made that promise to my dad, he phoned me to tell me about the deal he had made. The next day, I phoned the dealership to begin discussing that option.
However, it was right in front of the Memorial day weekend, so I knew I couldn't do anything until the following week on Tuesday. Remember, my dad is a veteran?
That being said, I was in daily contact w/ the sales person Kelley, that my dad told me to talk to.
Sometimes, Kelley had to go talk to Cory to get my questions answered. Sometimes, they had to discuss it w/ the manager Brad, also.
You have to understand here, that my dad lives in Mississippi, and I live in Montana. There's a lot to discuss about a car that is sight unseen by me before I commit to buying it.
My point is, everyone in that dealership knew- ABSOLUTELY KNEW- that I was interested in that car. They promised me on the phone that it would all hold until the following week, because the car had even been processed yet. These were their very words.... IT HADN'T EVEN BEEN PROCESSED IN YET.
On Tuesday and Wednesday both, I called Kelley with very serious questions about the car that made it obvious I was leaning towards moving that way. By Thursday morning, when I phoned, I was ready to sign the papers and make a deal.
However, I was told at that time, that the car had been sold to someone else THE NIGHT BEFORE!When I called them out on it, they said Cory had been the one who sold it, and that he no longer worked there. Very suspicious words, in my opinion.
Now, I get making a buck. I am sure that the thought of selling it to someone for more than was promised to sell it to me for was appealing. I'm not against making a profit.
What I am against, is being lied to cheated on.
More than that - lying and cheating a veteran and a senior citizen.
They did not bother to call my dad or me to tell me they were having another offer made on the car by someone else.
They never once, made it clear that I needed to hurry up with my decision and make it sooner than Thursday. I was led to believe that the car was being held for me.
Not once, when I was on the phone with Kelley DAILY that week, did she mention that someone else had put in an offer. Nobody showed that courtesy to my dad or myself-in keeping with their original promise.
They simply sold it to someone else for a little bit more money.
I read the other reviews, and I wish my dad would've read them before dealing with them also. It appears , that they have a history of lying and cheating to their customers.
When I phoned and talked to Brad about this, though he sounded contrite on the phone, and claimed that he was sorry that this is happened, he would not answer any of my questions as to how this had happened.
He simply said Cory doesn't work here anymore, making it sound like Cory was let go, but that didn't make any sense....
Consider that they were saying he was the one who had sold this car supposedly, just the night before somehow, miraculously, without anybody else knowing it?
(Part one - see part 2 in another post ... ran out of room)


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