Rachelle Glorioso Carreon

4 years ago



One of the WORST hotel experiences I have ever had. I was in town with co-workers for a convention. The initial hotel we booked (Grand Hyatt), was overbooked, so they sent us to this hotel, covered the stay plus transportation. By the time we arrived at the Hilton, it was very late at night. We didn't get into our room till past midnight. We entered our room and it was hot and smelled like vomit. As we were settling in and I went to take a shower, ROACHES crawled along the bathroom sink. I screamed and went into the room, and we found another roach on the wall. I immediately got dressed and we went downstairs to ask for a new room. The staff was rude and unapologetic. When they handed us the key to the new room, we asked if they were sure there weren't any roaches in this room. The front desk attendant just shrugged.

We got up to our floor and were reluctant to enter our room so we waited by the elevators. I called to try to speak to hotel management for the night and she was no where to be found. I then called hotel management at the Hyatt who was extremely helpful. She said she knew who was working that night and would get in touch with them. When I was finally able to speak with the manager, RUBY, she was EXTREMELY rude and non apologetic. I asked if there was any compensation she could provide for the inconvenience (keep in mind, this is now about 1:30-2am). She said any compensation would be through the Hyatt (our original hotel). Then I asked, "Even if it's YOUR hotel with the roaches?" and her answer was "they're not roaches, they're water bugs" ---- UHM! excuse me, I have a picture if you would like to see it. And she proceeded with "any compensation would be through Hyatt".

The fact that she felt the need to correct me as to what insect/bug was in our room means this is a known problem. And she couldn't even offer us maybe some bottles of water? breakfast?

Ruby -- you need a crash course in hospitality.


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