Review of Galway Clinic

4 years ago

Can only describe the Oncology unit as a disgrace....

Can only describe the Oncology unit as a disgrace.!!! They have an consultant Oncologist who works in the unit at most 2 Days a week!!! He works UCHG, Letterkenny , Sligo ... and God knows where else ??? Can you please tell me that a man who works in so many places can give the best care ??? Please read my story Mr Keane is a Consultant who makes money out of people's misfortunes .. he comes in makes his money and leaves he is not concerned about your loved ones do not be fooled!!!! The nurses run that unit and make decisions way and above their scope of practice!!! He would come in and say we will give this person chemotherapy !!! Oh Mr Keane they passed away a few days ago.!!! I know this first hand believe me!!!! My closest passed away but only due to the fact there was absolutely no care, compassion or bother by Keane . If you ever are unfortunate enough to ever get struck down by the deadly curse that is cancer !!! Keep away from Mr Keane . People in Ireland are fooled by Irish healthcare thinking they pay private they will receive the best !! You could not be further from the truth stay In the HSE !! At Least you will have junior doctors who will flag up your results and tell some one ... you will not be left to Rot ,and told to give your family member TLC in a side room where no one cares !!!those poor nurses are running the show these Consultants think they can rob people for there good earned money !!! That is what the Galway clinic is !!! Go to the HSE please believe me I am a healthcare professional myself .


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