Nat Sanderson

4 years ago

DONT GO here if u can help it

DONT GO here if u can help it
This hospital is a joke thay never called us to tell us my Nan was amitid in then said she was not eating when family watched her eat then when she weren't eating thay said she was then she had a fan in her room one wk thay said its been in there over a month when it weren't as we had been to see her then said she is still alive and comfy at 6.58am on the 9th of Nov then at 8 saying to go to the Hosp as she is dying so I got confused in what was happening so I called at 8.46 and the lady on the phone said she will just go see how she is and came bk and said so sorry she has passed away 10mins ago no one in our family hottie call to say she had passed then to make it worse we getter certifycut saying the last time she was seen alive way the 8th of Nov 2016 thay have lied to us the whole time she was in I am not happy and will not let this rest plz people if u have elderly family in this Hosp plz take note of all the problems evon like one we did ( a spiders nest above my Nans bed we told them and it stay there from day 1 till now I'm gessi g it is still there if so its above the haid rest and full of baby spiders we told then 5 times )


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