
3 years ago

Well, where do I start? From beginning to end it w...

Well, where do I start? From beginning to end it was an AWFUL experience. I dont ask for much. I stay at 4 and 5 star hotels all of the time, I have never left a review on one until now because I feel so compelled to warn others.

To start, I asked that champagne be waiting in the room to surprise my significant other upon arrival. key word surprise. Before we went up I verified with the front desk that everything was prepared. They said yes. As we were approaching the room, a gentlemen who appeared to be housekeeping was in the hallway and said .... " brought the ice bucket just in time" ?? Okay. way to ruin the surprise. We get into the room ready to do a toast and there are no champagne glasses. I had to called twice and then had to walk to the front desk and request that the glasses be brought up. In total it took 45 min before they FINALLY brought up the glasses.

But WAIT it gets worse. I go to the bathroom I can tell it hasn't been mopped bc there was a small piece of tissue of the floor and the tile looked a little dingy. But I wasn't going to make it an issue. However, We go to shower to get ready for the evening and the TUB IS DIRTY. There was hair , multiple small strands that anyone with decent vision would have spotted. The water faucets clearly hadn't been wiped. As I am typing this I wish I took photos. I call immediately for someone to clean it and you guessed it, another 45 minutes and I had to call twice before someone came. Housekeeping comes to clean it, she was in the bathroom for about ten minutes. My boyfriend and I were on the bed so we couldn't see what she was doing. I could see from the position of the bed out of my peripheral that she was mopping. She leaves, we thank her then I go to get back in the shower, and it looks the EXACT SAME, I was SO PERPLEXED AND DISGUSTED. DID NO ONE COMMUNICATE THAT IT WAS THE TUB THAT NEEDED TO BE CLEANED? I FELT LIKE I WAS IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE. At this point I proceeded to take a shower because we were already running late bc of the delay. I spent the rest of the weekend cringing because the bathroom was not properly cleaned.

On top of lack of cleanliness. This hotel was either short staffed or lacked a sense of urgency. EVERY SINGLE TIME I called the front desk and asked for water I was transferred to housekeeping who then transferred me to room service. or vice versa. One morning I was on the phone for five minutes just simply trying to get water brought to the room. and you can probably guess at this point how long it took. 30-45 minutes as I die of thirst, I have NEVER in my life experienced this type of inconvenience at a 4 star hotel at $250 a night.

The team at the front desk were so nice. Its just a shame that the back of the house could not deliver. Please take your hard earned money and stay some where else. What a disappointment. I wouldn't stay here again if I were being held at gun point.

Also, your patio chairs are dingy.


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