EquusUniversalis Schlaffer
Review of Dr. Yates, MD

3 years ago

Twelve Years Minimum Regained!

Twelve Years Minimum Regained!

Hair loss at the top center of my scalp was becoming significant. Engaged in several online sessions researching the various hair restoration methods employed from days past to the present. ARTAS robotic assisted follicular unit extraction (FUE) was described on several web pages as new and effective, which led me to...Dr Yates Hair Science! Several Dr Yates online videos answered my preliminary questions, one being that the front hairline is placed higher when one is older. (This was starting to look good.)

Scheduled a consultation soon afterward to confer about my candidacy. Both Dr Yates and Robin the chief nurse examined my existing hair closely for quite a while. To their credit they will not recommend a specific surgical procedure should they determine the results will not be optimal and will present alternatives. It was determined that I had plenty of donor hair just above the neckline, hence ARTAS was the path to take. Surgery time was scheduled just after Christmas 2013.

The surgery was extensive with 3000 hairs being moved which I surmised was going to prove to be a full day (see my future patient advice below). Those with fewer hairs to relocate will experience a shorter day, likely five to nine hours. Mine took over twelve. Bear in mind, artists are never to be rushed.

Local anesthesia is used so any discomfort is minimal. Once underway just relax! You may be asked to slightly change position a few times.

All the staff and Dr Yates keep patients informed every step of the way while you're under their care and, in most cases, will want to see you several months afterward to check on the regrowth progress. Your body will regrow the hair on its own schedule, generally five to seven months (compare it to how fine wine ages!).

Patient-to-future patient advice: Get a restful sleep the night before. Block out time for the entire day of surgery. During the procedure resist the temptation to take frequent pauses and breaks, if possible (however you will be graciously accommodated). All the nursing crew are themselves artists in their craft and, once working their skills implanting your donor hair follicles, let them stay "in the zone." There's a rhythm to their workflow gained by years of experience. Your surgery will likely conclude sooner too!

My results: Family, friends, coworkers and strangers all now judge my age to be 12 to 15 years younger. If you are like me and have your your hair colored at your favorite establishment you're really home free! Confidence increases and you will once again enjoy the sensation of wind blowing through hair now present "up there," so go ahead, roll down the car window, climb aboard that sailboat, or saddle that horse and gallop!

Five stars Dr Yates! * * * * *


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