Review of Jagex

3 years ago

Well I have no way to contact Jagex to discuss thi...

Well I have no way to contact Jagex to discuss this issue so I guess I will post it here. My main Runescape account was permanently banned for botting with no appeal option. Now let's get one thing straight; I did bot, for roughly three days to get my Divination level from 91 to 97. I did this because it was my last skill I needed to get to 99, I had a limited amount of time to enjoy the game, and I wanted to spend that time actually playing rather than grinding. I was and am fully aware that botting is against the rules. So with that being said, I'm not going to act like this ban doesn't make sense. However, I have been playing Runescape for almost ten years, and this account is almost ten years old. This account alone has had a lot of membership and a lot of time spent on it. That coupled with the fact that this is my first offense EVER, on any account, I would really appreciate a second chance. Reset my Divination to 91. Hell, reset it to 1 if you feel I need to be punished for this. Just don't permanently ban an account I spent so much time and money on. I spent a long time loving and playing this game on this account that I can't just not try to get it back. I shouldn't have botted. I've never done it before, on any game, and I'm an avid gamer. It was a mistake. I've spent a large amount of time trying to figure out how to contact someone to plead my case, but it appears that there's nowhere to do that since my ban is not able to be appealed. I understand the reason for this, I just feel as though there should be extenuating circumstances.

Login name: tullyrusk
In-game name: Jezrien

I rate this 5/5 because i love this game, community, and staff. This situation is my own fault, i just hope it doesn't result in the end of my RS Career as i won't continue playing without my main.
Thank you for your consideration.


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