4 years ago

I just came from this place, mortified. This was ...

I just came from this place, mortified. This was my third visit, I had brought my sons along to each visit. On this occasion I had my 3 year old with me. When I got there, I was told there was no place for him and was it ok if he was on my lap. I was surprised, since they had never requested this before, but I said ok. When I got to the back, the stylist said I could seat my son in the chair next to us. Which I did. The area started to fill up so I told my son to stay next to my chair, which he did. He was being quiet, just chuckling and making his toddler sounds, and did not wander away. Towards the end of my session, the lady from the front came to the back and rudely told me that my son was bothering the customers and that they went there to relax. That she had told me to keep him on my lap. I was embarrassed and mortified beyond belief.

I'm a working mom, and although I understand that salons are no place for small children, I'd rather go through the frustration of keeping them quiet and next to me, instead of stealing from them precious time with me, even if it's just me sitting in a chair.

Needless to say, I will never bother them with my presence or my business again.


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