John O
Review of Jagex

4 years ago

runescape is crap because

runescape is crap because
1 they ban people for no reason what so ever just on a whim or because someone who is jealous snitches on them they say they investigate but we all know that is bullshit because i see the same bots every day whilst my character was banned for picking up items on the ground which is perfectly legal
2 pmods are totally corrupt and they mute for no reason once i walked up on pmod conspiring with others to break rules and just said what's up
my account was then muted for 2 weeks
3 customer service what customer service it is a joke you tweet them and they get back to you when they feel like it in addition if u are banned for botting even as above you are not allowed any appeal process which is completly wrong
4 they have "bot busters" who are basicly nazi jackboots who ban anyone who is relativly successfull in the game this is to keeo ppl making new accounts and buy more memberships
there are so many more but im not gonna post here
i have a feeling that my account will be banned just for posting a negative review
which just supports my theroy they are jack boot nazis who disallow anyone from expressing an opinon


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