Aditya Aggarwal
Review of Quaaout Lodge

3 years ago

It is a great property...full marks for luxury. Bu...

It is a great property...full marks for luxury. But being a First Nation's property, we expected it to be a more inclusive towards diverse guests. I dont blame the staff as i guess the resort is not used to too many brown family or any other family of color coming for stay for vacation, i might be wrong at this just saying from our experience we didn't see any other family of color staying there in our 2 days of stay. Anyways coming to our experience, we were 2 couples staying for 2 nights and as there are no restaurants near by, resorts restaurant is ur only option. With us we were always offered the same 2 tables behind the reception desk, no matter what the time was and even if the reservation of the tables by the window is 2 hours away or even if we asked for reservation before hand..this happened all 6 times- and when this happened all the times one do realise thats its done on purpose. We ended up eating there 3 times...we were given a table on Side Window 2 times but with some or the other restriction. Anyways this is still too small to worry about as I would give them benefit of doubt as i assume they are not used to deal with Brown families, atleast I Hope servers are happy by our tips and appreciation.
The real reason I am writing this and expect you to do something is, after our checkout we wanted to go try golf in the driving range before we left...it was our first time ever, played Cricket all our lifes, just wanted to see how cricket drive is different from golf drive thats it...headed to range, realised Golf is one of the most difficult sport no matter how simple it looks. Two gentlemen saw us struggling, gave is initial tips and made us comfortable to try and learn...was awesome so grateful to them...and after like 15 mins they left wishing us the best.. Then came 5-6 drunk guys...they started playing right beside us..totally fine we doing our own thing they doing their own..then they noticed us and started humiliating us among themselves....Not directly to my face but they were constantly commenting about how bad we are at golf...making fun of us...We were taking it casually in a fun way laughing at our new experience..continued playing but then it Crossed The Line...making some witty remarks is fine we also appreciate it but not in sadist way.. you can't make remarks that in your mind make you feel superior....seeing us not reacting what so ever on their remarks, they started saying Racial slurs and passing vulgar comments about our wives...it increased that much that i felt unsafe and opted to leave that place with my family...2 of them even followed us to the putting practice range...obviously I Did NOT confront them as I didnot want to waste my energy giving someone so ignorant, basic moral lessons...But it was absolutely disrespectful incident that happened on your property and if this is what is done to people who are different and want to explore and learn about your culture, then my only advice to all those people of color is that please think twice before booking this property.
In such tough testing times like these if some episode like this happens on one of the most secure and supposedly Diverse country and area in the world...its just mind boggling...Hopefully this incident will bring out a change..please if possible then try to be a bit more Inclusive...anyways other than that had a awesome experience..as i said before it was luxury at its best...Golf is actually much tougher then we thought


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