Reviews 51
Most recent
3 years ago

I always felt that I was interrupting the

I always felt that I was interrupting the took 8 hours to get pain relief.The only decent floor was 3the nurses responded quickly and treated me wit respect.BUT it is a lite under a bushel so to depressing

3 years ago

Don't know how to treat great long term employees....

Don't know how to treat great long term employees. Had 30 years service and screwed out of my job after surgery for work injury. Also had 2 other surgeries earlier in 2017. Boss at the time kept changing my job, adding more to my work load while others did less and less. They kissed his butt! I didn't fit in with the "group", I worked - they didn't. Thanks ex-boss - Michael Reynolds for the screw job. Your turn next!

3 years ago

I guess if people like the place, that's up to the...

I guess if people like the place, that's up to them. Me, never again!! Right from the start when I walked in I felt like I wasn't welcome. I stood in front of the registration booth for 3 minutes before I was even acknowledged. During the whole time I was there, not one nurse was doing anything, despite every room being filled. Oh, if you want privacy don't go there!! Every room open exposing the patients waiting.
Simply put, St. Mary's needs to work on their people skills. And, maybe try actually working. I believe their concern for their patients was not genuine,

3 years ago

My wife called the day before to confirm bloodwork...

My wife called the day before to confirm bloodwork. She went in early to get it done and was refused service because they didn t want to spread the techs thin . Very odd when you say you don t need appointment. Racial discrimination at its finest

3 years ago

Billing department is an Nightmare.

Billing department is an Nightmare.
You get a new account number for every visit which makes it hard to keep up with or organize. If you send in a payment under one wrong, of their many account numbers they have for you, it disappears into oblivion and takes the FBI to find your payment history. This organization should be investigated by the Attorney General. This is inefficient bureaucracy at it's worst. This is the face of what socialized medicine will look like.

3 years ago

I went into urgent care for medical attention. I ...

I went into urgent care for medical attention. I showed them my insurance card and the receptionist said that they take my insurance. I pressed her to verify in her system and she said, "yes we accept your insurance" and confirmed how much my co pay would be. When the bill came, it showed that I owed a significant amount because the doctor that the nurse practitioner worked under was not covered by my insurance. Apparently you have to ask the medical professionals if they are also covered under your insurance. It was definitely a scam. Since then I have been harassed and you cannot get anyone from management to speak with you. They threaten your credit if you don't pay and won't let you speak with someone from management. Not ethical but there isn't anyway to get around it. I will not be going back to this urgent care and will tell others not to go.

3 years ago

I would rate this 0 if at all possible. I needed s...

I would rate this 0 if at all possible. I needed stitches in my hand and drove myself there because Urgent Care was closed. Spoke with the front desk attendant and asked what my co-pay would be and was told it was impossible to know? How is that impossible to know? I said if it was going to be an astronomical amount I would rather get glue stitches from the drug store and try my luck with urgent care tomorrow. Well I took a chance and got the stitches along with a $2000 bill several weeks later. On top of all this the waiting room was a wreck Will never go back again and would urge anyone to stay away.

3 years ago

Called the mental health clinic 6 days ago. Got t...

Called the mental health clinic 6 days ago. Got transferred to a voice mail that said I would hear back in 24 hrs. Spent a day next to the phone, afraid to even shower in case I missed that call. Called back twice since then. Way to take care of mentally ill people.

3 years ago

I recently had 2 spinal surgeries at St Mary's Hos...

I recently had 2 spinal surgeries at St Mary's Hospital in Amsterdam and have to say my experience was an A+++. On December 2nd of 2015 I had a three level Cervical Anterior Discectomy and fusion. On February 5th of this year I has a cyst removed from my lower back that was pressing against my nerve and limited me from standing for more than 5 minutes.

Dr Shen and his team are miracle workers. After my discectomy I was back to work within 2 weeks. With respect to my lower back, I went in on a Friday and the following Monday was at The Bruce Springsteen concert in Albany on my feet for 4 hours. I can't thank Dr Shen and his team as well as the wonderful staff at St Mary's Hospital for giving me my life back - they are all truly amazing - That is an understatement !

3 years ago

I actually thought very highly of this hospital. A...

I actually thought very highly of this hospital. At one point in my life even I worked there with a very reputable individual, god rest her soul, is not with us any longer. I won't mention any names.

I recently went there for a Mammogram and was not informed at the time I was registering that this hospital did not except Fidelis Care Silver Plan through the Market place and what to my surprise did I receive in the mail but a bill for $456.65.

I have never been so unhappy and disgusted in all my life. I WILL never go to this hospital for one more thing. I plan on telling other's of how miss-informed I was!

Who ever heard of a hospital not excepting an insurance for a Mammogram? Regardless if it was through the Marketplace; maybe that is all an individual can afford.

That is my first complaint. My second complaint is that whenever you call to speak with someone in billing you get a recording, you are on hold forever and after that asked to leave your name and number that someone will get back to you and that never happens. What kind of facility work's like this?

This hospital is going to lose a lot of business the way it is being run. You have lost mine because I will never step foot in a place that cannot inform you of what Insurance is accepted or not. But to just bill a person for a routine procedure is just out right ridiculous.

3 years ago

Dr. Michael Wong was awesome. I came in excruciati...

Dr. Michael Wong was awesome. I came in excruciating pain, thinking I had slipped a disc in my neck. He did a thorough examination, called for only the necessary tests, and determined that I had a muscle spasm. With his diagnosis and treatment I was back to normal in 2 days. Thank you so very much.

4 years ago

Horrible place to receive treatment.

Horrible place to receive treatment.

My daughter had a high fever and an extremely sore throat. I took her to the Emergency Room, where she waited forever, despite it being slow and nobody else in the waiting room. When we finally got a room, we had 10-15 minutes of care. A quick swab strep test. She was fine. It was done.

I get a bill for 800+ dollars. Unreal. Then I get another 500+ bill for "physicians services." I paid the hospital, but the debt wasn't squared away, because the 500+ had to be paid directly to their doctor. The one who was barely there. Almost 1400 dollars to have a strep test and a basic checkup. St. Mary's is a scam, their billing is predatory, and they exemplify everything wrong with healthcare in America.

4 years ago

The person who answers the phone at st. Marys need...

The person who answers the phone at st. Marys needs to be properly trained. I called the phone number I found online and the person who answered the phone was rude, started yelling at me and was so unprofessional. She said this is the switchboard I can't help you find out when your appointment is. Then I asked the be transferred to someone to help me and that's when she started yelling at me like a crazy person. The switchboard person working right now is terrible and needs phone etiquette if they are going to be answering the phone and taking to patients. They should have her as far away from people as she can possibly be.

4 years ago

i went to the emergency room because i had an abce...

i went to the emergency room because i had an abcess on my cheek.. i told the doctor that i woke up with this pimple thing and it got infected.. he inturn discharges me with a diagnosis that wasnt even close. i then went to my doctor and nathan littuar er and got the correct diagnosis and put on two antibiotics. Staff was rude, room was filthy.. and i contacted the administrator of the hospital and she promised to sendme some forms.. but has not ... place is disgusting

4 years ago

Can not keep good doctors as they contract out and...

Can not keep good doctors as they contract out and will not put doctors on their payroll. Examples: Gastroenterology, Urology. Use contract doctors for Urgent Care who do not participate in network with patient insurance companies and you get the full bill. The phone numbers on the bill are for some company that contracts out to St Mary's so that you never do talk to someone who can actually help you out or answer your questions. My husband has been a patient with St Mary's for over 35 years, loved St Mary's but who is now fed up with Ascension.

4 years ago

A lot of incompetence in this place. 1st I had a x...

A lot of incompetence in this place. 1st I had a x-ray in emergency room of both my ankle and area between ankle and knee do to slip and fall. On a Saturday ER Doctor said it was a sprain and gave me crutches and said go to work on Monday. With the damaged foot tried to push gas pedal in car on Monday to go to work. One of the Few times I cried in Life. Pain beyond Comprehension. Back to ER to talk with Doctor who practices with St. Mary's. Refers me to Orthopedic With tumbleweeds growing out of his ears, says rest and come back and see him. Went back almost same discomfort. Finally I am sent to Dr. Ortiz thanks God. Looks at x-ray using the natural light of the room and says my leg is broken. Eventually with Care from Ortiz I was healed. Why the two others didn't know leg was broke is unknown. Wife told St. Marys' OBGYN secrataries ontwo several occasions that as she was pregnant she was bleeding and continued to get worse. Staff said come see Dr. in a month.Condition worse and Midwife & Doctor say they never knew this. Emergency operation and anesthesiologist argues with Doctor that he cant put my wife under as she is bleeding. Loud argument on the floor, so I have to intervene before they risk killing my wife. Next, wife waits six moths to have special test to see if one of her tubes was open after tubal reversal. Told to go to St. Marys for the appointment. Gets there in worst storm of year and told to reschedule and go to Route 30 St. Mary's. Wife tells secratary at hospital no, waited six months for appointment, secretary hides, wife talks to other staff and they finally see her that day. Next wife falls sprains ankle tells ER Doctor might me pregnant. They test her, tell her it is a sprain and send home without the results of pregnancy. Total incompetence.

4 years ago

Horrible place, avoid at all costs!!! My fiance ha...

Horrible place, avoid at all costs!!! My fiance has a very serious health condition, was transported there for some reason. They said she was better and was being discharged. They literally had her sitting in the waiting room, half conscious. When I got there no one was watching her or her belongings, the "security" was playing a game on his cell phone. The woman at the registration window would not even allow my fiance to have her blood sugar checked! Seriously how do you deny checking a diabetic's blood sugar in the emergency room?!?!? Mind you she is still sick, still vomiting, she wasn't treated, wasn't tested, they literally just drugged her up and called me to take her home. The second we got to the car she was already vomiting... and they wouldn't take her in. How is this even called a hospital???? What is this place????

4 years ago

Great hospital and staff. The doctors and nurses r...

Great hospital and staff. The doctors and nurses really care about their patients. My wife had all three of our children here and the emergency room is very calm and efficient. I would highly recommend this hospital.

4 years ago

Small setback with inducing our baby but the envir...

Small setback with inducing our baby but the environment is much more comfortable than our local hospital and the doctor was much more compassionate than the ones at Nathan Littauer....very happy we ventured out for medical services outside our community of Fulton County

Def s much appreciated group of ppl. Composure was solid thru the birth even tho the doc almost fumbled Zayn when he came out everything was so much better than anticipated. And the food was far byond what I expected. I kept ordering out the first day. But none of it was necessary.

Thank u Staff for the great experience and hospitality.

4 years ago

My boyfriend and I came here last nigh for a high ...

My boyfriend and I came here last nigh for a high fever, cold and hot sweats and a severe headache. We were seen pretty quick and had some tests done and everything came back normal so we went home. During the night he kept waking up vomiting and getting dizzy with a 103 fever. We came back to the emergency room and had more test done for them to tell us nothing is wrong. The doctor came in and told us he didn't know why he was feeling that way. The doctors and nurses were clueless.

4 years ago

I drove 40 minutes to get special blood work done,...

I drove 40 minutes to get special blood work done, which I ve had done a few years ago. When the work was completed I checked with the tech to make sure she d done all of the work because it was different then previously, and she said yes. I specifically asked about the aggregation study, but she again confirmed that yes the blood work was complete. I drove another 40 minutes home to receive a call that it was not completed correctly and that I need to come back. I am beyond irritated that I have to waste another hour and 20 minutes of my time along with the gas that it takes to get there because the work was not done correctly, even after my confirmation. The tech should ve checked with her supervisor if she was not familiar with the test to confirm that it was indeed done correctly. The registration process was easy and the woman was friendly, but that does not make up for the lost time and $ spent to get there. Also, the $20 co pay that I will have to pay again!!

4 years ago

Hello, my name is Barbara and August 2013 I under ...

Hello, my name is Barbara and August 2013 I under went a umbilical hernia repair surgery which I thought all my problems would be over. Not long after I had to be reopened because of a bowel obstruction which left me to stay in the hospital longer than expected. I thought I was really going to die. After my discharge I went home to rest and recover and September I went to do my follow up and to have my staples removed and was told that 6 to 8 weeks I will be fine. October I started having severe abdominal pain to point I couldn't even walk and repeatedly kept going to the emergency room asking to see the surgeon so I can try to find out why I was having these pains. He kept refusing to see me, at one point he was on vacation or it was always something. Finally one day he decided to come see me in the emergency room and stated that there was nothing he could do for me because he doesn't have the right equipment. I don't know what he meant by that and it confused me, but all I do know is that I wanted to get rid of this pain. Since that time until now I'm still experiencing severe pain and I'm hearing from my primary care physician and the emergency room where I go now which is Ellis Hospital that it is most likely nerve damage. I deal with this on a daily basis and it is so severe to the point that it is hard for me to get out of bed, I don't hardly eat, pain medications don't help, warm compresses don't work, I just feel that I'm at a loss like my health has just went down hill. All the things I used to be able to do I can't do anymore all because of this situation. If there is anyone who is going through this or knows of someone who is, I pray and ask if someone could please give me some type of advice on what to do because I really can't deal with this much longer. My overall experience as far as my stay in the hospital was beautiful, the nurses and medical staff were great, but other than that, I have had a horrible experience with my recovery.

4 years ago

Came here last night and was nervous because of th...

Came here last night and was nervous because of the reviews. It was fantastic from the time I stepped in the door to when I left. The only negative thing I have to say is it was so hot! But that could have been just because I had a fever. I knew what was wrong with me (because it happens alot) and they trusted that, but still ran tests just in case, and we're able to act fast getting me some pain relief and antibiotics. Thank you again

4 years ago

This place is a joke !!!!! I went in because I fee...

This place is a joke !!!!! I went in because I feel and hit my head and had memory loss and a splitting headache. I fainted because I m pregnant and Doctor Mierek was rude and didn t even address the fact I hit my head and could have a possible concussion he lectured me and my husband on why he thinks I m fine and why he thinks I fainted . My husband was frustrated and kept telling the doctor we where there to make sure my head was okay and we already knew the reasoning to why I fainted . The doctor then told my husband that he wasn t going to run any test and is just going to send me home . Let s just say we made a trip to Albany and I was told I had a pretty bad concussion ....

4 years ago

Overall, the hospitalization went very well. The 3...

Overall, the hospitalization went very well. The 3 shifts of RNs that treated me (post back surgery) over a 24 hour period were great and very responsive. Response of the hospital staff in general was very good but a few of the CNAs I felt were not as helpful as could be (one even forgot to get the nurse when asked). The food was decent and good selection for not remembering whether or not I had a input.

4 years ago

This place is AWFUL. Came in with my mom through A...

This place is AWFUL. Came in with my mom through Ambulance at 8:40 on 4th of July. She came in with chest pains. Since apparently there was no rooms they put her out into waiting room while she was on the verge of passing out. My mother asked the nurse ask the desk what would happen if she passes out in the waiting and she replied with We ll pick you up. She then went into x-rays for her chest around 9:15 and patiently waited for her to come back. It is now almost 11:30 at night and we have still been sitting here just for test results back. Service is awful and best believe that coming here is not the best decision. You will regret it and along with the snobby nurses working here. Please if you can, go to a different hospital with better service.

4 years ago

Great place, and wonderful staff. I just had to ha...

Great place, and wonderful staff. I just had to have another knee surgery here and the staff was really helpful and no stress. They also help me out with my wife there too. I would recommend this place for anything. The surgical staff and all the nurseries where wonderfully thank you all for making the surgery great and easy.

4 years ago

I will never do business with them or recommend an...

I will never do business with them or recommend anyone I love to ever go there. Very abusive and they switch your words around to cover their mistakes and lack qualifications and resources to serve the community.

4 years ago

Don't just don't. Even though i trust my primary ...

Don't just don't. Even though i trust my primary and she sent me here. I will never come here again. So disorganized. Come in thinking in getting a simple ultrasound sound and it turns in to a big deal sense they didnt do that last one. Go somewhere elts.

4 years ago

Horrible Hospital in many aspects, Don't take resp...

Horrible Hospital in many aspects, Don't take responsibility for their mistakes, Some staff is AMAZING - but as a whole the higher ups, Drs, ER, are horribly lacking in people skills and thrive on judging those that go there for legitimate help.

4 years ago

I was sent from the urgent care facility to the ER...

I was sent from the urgent care facility to the ER under false pretenses, as the ER doctor admitted happened all the time. The care I received was terrible, and the response that I received from the billing department was even worse. Everyone I dealt with at St. Mary's was completely incompetent if not outright liars. If you have any other options, go somewhere else.

About St. Mary's Healthcare, Amsterdam

St. Mary's Healthcare, Amsterdam: Providing Compassionate Care Since 1903

St. Mary's Healthcare, Amsterdam is a leading healthcare provider in the Mohawk Valley region of New York State. The organization has been providing compassionate care to the community since 1903 and has grown to become one of the most trusted names in healthcare.

At St. Mary's Healthcare, Amsterdam, patients can find a wide range of healthcare providers, services, and resources to meet their needs. From primary care physicians and specialists to diagnostic imaging and rehabilitation services, St. Mary's offers comprehensive care for patients of all ages.

One of the key strengths of St. Mary's Healthcare is its commitment to patient-centered care. The organization believes that every patient deserves personalized attention and treatment that takes into account their unique needs and preferences.

To achieve this goal, St. Mary's Healthcare employs a team-based approach that involves collaboration between physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. This approach ensures that patients receive coordinated care across different specialties and settings.

In addition to its clinical services, St. Mary's Healthcare also offers a range of community programs designed to promote health and wellness among local residents. These programs include health education classes on topics such as diabetes management and nutrition as well as support groups for individuals with chronic conditions.

Staying true to its mission of providing compassionate care for all members of the community regardless of their ability to pay or insurance status; St.Mary’s provides financial assistance programs for those who qualify under certain criteria.

Overall; it is clear that St.Mary’s has made significant contributions towards improving access & quality standards in healthcare delivery within Amsterdam & Mohawk Valley region over more than a century now.

Why Choose St.Mary’s?

There are several reasons why patients choose St.Mary’s when seeking medical attention:

1) Comprehensive Services: With over 700 employees including more than 100 physicians representing various specialties; you can be sure you will find what you need at any given time.
2) Patient-Centered Care: At st.marys’, they believe every patient deserves personalized attention & treatment tailored towards meeting their unique needs.
3) Community Programs: In addition to clinical services offered by st.marys’, there are also several community programs aimed at promoting health & wellness among local residents.
4) Financial Assistance Programs: For those who qualify under certain criteria; st.marys’ provides financial assistance programs aimed at ensuring everyone gets access regardless if they have insurance or not.

Services Offered by St.Mary’s

1) Primary Care Services
2) Specialty Care Services
3) Diagnostic Imaging (X-ray,MRI etc)
4) Rehabilitation Services (Physical Therapy etc)
5) Women Health Services
6) Cancer Treatment Center
7 ) Emergency Department

Primary Care Services

At st.marys’, they understand how important it is for individuals/families within our communities have access primary medical care close-by hence why they offer comprehensive primary medical services including but not limited:
- Annual Physical Exams
- Immunizations
- Chronic Disease Management
- Acute Illness Treatment

Specialty Care Services

In addition offering primary medical services; st.marys’ also offers specialty medical services which include but not limited:
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Gastroenterology
- Pulmonology
and many others

Diagnostic Imaging

St.Mayrs’ diagnostic imaging department uses state-of-the-art technology equipment which includes MRI machines , CT Scanners , X-rays machines etc . They offer various types diagnostic imaging tests such as :
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Computed Tomography (CT Scan)
- Ultrasound
- Mammography

Rehabilitation Services

The rehabilitation department at st.mayrs’ helps individuals recover from injuries/illnesses through physical therapy , occupational therapy , speech therapy etc . They help people regain strength/mobility so they can return back normal activities.

Women Health

The women health department at st.mayrs’ focuses on providing specialized women-focused treatments/services such as :
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Breast Health
- Menopause Management

Cancer Treatment Center

The cancer center at st mayrs' provides comprehensive cancer treatments/services which includes chemotherapy/radiation therapies along with supportive therapies like nutritional counseling/pain management/social work support.

Emergency Department

The emergency department operates around-the-clock throughout year ready attend emergencies ranging from minor injuries/illnesses major life-threatening situations.


If you're looking for high-quality healthcare providers/services/resources in Amsterdam/Mohawk Valley region then look no further than Saint-Maries'! With over century experience delivering compassionate patient-centered-care coupled with state-of-the-art facilities/equipment ;you can be sure your health will be taken seriously here!

St. Mary's Healthcare, Amsterdam

St. Mary's Healthcare, Amsterdam
