Reviews 7
Most recent
4 years ago


About People Lease, Inc.

People Lease, Inc. is a Mississippi-based company that provides comprehensive payroll and tax preparation services, as well as workers' compensation, health benefits, and other HR-related services to businesses of all sizes. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, People Lease has established itself as a trusted partner for companies looking to streamline their HR processes and reduce costs.

One of the key advantages of working with People Lease is the time savings it offers. By outsourcing their payroll and tax preparation needs to People Lease, businesses can free up valuable time that can be better spent on core business activities. This not only improves productivity but also allows companies to focus on growth opportunities.

In addition to payroll and tax preparation services, People Lease also offers workers' compensation insurance coverage. This is an important service for businesses in industries where workplace injuries are common. By providing this coverage through People Lease, companies can ensure that they are fully compliant with state regulations while also protecting their employees.

Another area where People Lease excels is in providing health benefits administration services. With healthcare costs continuing to rise year after year, many small businesses struggle to provide affordable health insurance options for their employees. However, by partnering with People Lease for benefits administration services, these companies can access group rates that would otherwise be unavailable to them.

Overall, there are many reasons why Mississippi businesses should consider working with People Lease for their HR needs. From cost savings and time efficiencies to regulatory compliance and access to group rates on health insurance plans – there are numerous benefits associated with partnering with this reputable company.

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People Lease, Inc.

People Lease, Inc.
