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4 years ago

sat in the waiting room for 3 1/2 hours with an op...

sat in the waiting room for 3 1/2 hours with an open wound on my head. When I finally was seen, the doctor came in and said "thank god I have my staple gun" and put 4 uneven staples in my head, stapling my hair to the wound. She then left and said I would be discharged by a nurse and they did nothing else. They didn't even tell me how to take care of the wound.

4 years ago

If you have an appointment here, be sure to arrive...

If you have an appointment here, be sure to arrive TWO hours early so that you can aimlessly drive around the hospital's campus, vainly looking for a parking spot. If you have handicapped tags, you MIGHT find one in about an hour, but for regular tags, they offer MAYBE six parking spots. Gee, thanks. I've had appointments here, drove around for an hour looking for a spot to open up, only to drive home and call them to reschedule the appointment.
Also, as with all Eastern Shore medical "professionals", the doctors and nurses here will ignore anything you have to say and immediately diagnose you based on their own whim, instead of anything the patient has to add, god forbid.
Yeah, if you can get to a hospital on the other side of the bay, you're hugely better off. My mom went in, complaining of abdomen pains and other symptoms and the "doctors" here just "slapped a band-aid" on her symptoms a number of times only to have my mom go across the bay, go to a real doctor, and discover she had pancreatic cancer. Again, only diagnosed by an ACTUAL medical professional in Baltimore as opposed to these frauds and failures that were forced to take a job at this crummy hospital because they aren't qualified to go anywhere else.
Good luck to you.

4 years ago

1) Room was clean. So clean the floor was as slipp...

1) Room was clean. So clean the floor was as slippery as ice. After mentioning the fact that I was a fall risk and how slippery the floor was to the nurse, I watched over the next 48 hrs as person after person had close call after close call almost falling on my room floor. Can you say lawyer???
2) MOST of the RNs, CNAs, and other hospital personnel were very friendly, personable, and helpful, however I did have one RN who was unsure as to how to change the dressing on my wound. Don't worry, I explained to HIM how to do it. FYI, not laughing!!!
4) Worst of all, after being told my surgery was scheduled for 5pm the next day, I got bumped off of the schedule due to an emergency. This was very upsetting as I sat for 11 hrs with no food, water, or pain medicine and my wife had taken the day off of work unpaid. I can understand a delay of a few hours but postponing my surgery to the next day and having to go through the whole process again just SUCKED.
RESULT: NEXT TIME I WILL GO TO AGH (Atlantic General Hospital)

4 years ago

Where to begin! Let's start with the first inciden...

Where to begin! Let's start with the first incident and work our way up...
My daughters birth was not a happy experience like it should have been. When my daughter was born, the doctor was supposed to be off at 7:00am but my daughter didn't come until 7:04am, so she rushed so she could go home and shortly after we discovered that she never got all of the placenta out of me and I had a nasty infection in my uterus and had to be re-admitted to the hospital shortly after being sent home with my newborn. Also, when I was in labor and received the epidural the nurse never looked over my chart to see that I have scoliosis, she hit a nerve or something and it caused me to lose all motor control in my left leg for 2-3 hours. I was unable to lift my leg up, let alone hold it still in the stirrup, my mother had to actually hold my leg up for me (bless her) now I suffer from nerve pain in my hips because of the incident.
Next, my grandmother got admitted to the ER because she was really sick, well they put her in a room and basically forgot about her. She was hardly ever checked on, and they wouldn't listen when we told the nurses that it was too cold in the room for her, well she got pnuemonia from the hospital (they even admitted it to us to "ease" our pain) and died 2 days later. She would have been fine, and would have been able to see her great-granddaughter grow up if it wasn't for them.
I suffer from IBS and some other more personal stomach problems, I was scared and did not know what was going on with me so I went to the ER numerous times due to the pain I had. They just gave me this GI cocktail and sent me on my way, they never looked into the problem. I had to go to Atlantic General to finally get diagnosed with my problems and to get them taken care of.
The wait time at this hospital is ridiculous. Just today I went in for a head injury, I suffered from light sensitivity, dizziness, I was slurring my words, was unable to speak my thoughts properly and my entire body was just weak... It took TWO HOURS to be taken back to a room, then another hour just to be seen by the doctor. They sent me for a catscan and some labwork. They claim everything came back completely fine, just like they did with my stomach problems, they always said everything was fine, then I was basically forgotten in my room. I got dressed and demanded to be discharged.
Also today there was a nurse texting and "driving" a wheel chair, and she ran this older gentleman right into a wall! His wife tore that nurse a new one.....

This hospital is pathetic, the wait times are ridiculous, the doctor's and nurses are rude and don't look into your problems 100%, they just guess the first thing they think of and send you on your way. Don't get me wrong, you do occasionally get the good nurse who is polite and cares but with all the bad treatment I have received from here I will never be going back to PRMC again, I would honestly rather drive 50 minutes to Atlantic General because they are a great hospital.

4 years ago


DO NOT GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM, THE DOCTOR'S ARE USELESS & DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING THAT INVOLVES WORK. THEY WILL NOT DO ANYTHING THAT IS OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE!!!!!!!! I had a horrible experience. I went last night & Dr. Sparks had formed his opinion before he came in the room. He look's In the stool sample container & starts stirring it around, when I had told him there were 2 samples 1 on the bottom & 1 from today wrapped in a wipes. He smears the fices all over the wrapped sample??? Than he tells me they were not going to except the samples & they are not going to anything for me because he spoke with Dr Erin Brashear who saw me last week. He walked up the hall. He comes back & said I needed to leave. He call's 2 male security guard's to tell me I have 10 seconds to come out. I told them I was getting dressed, so they push the door in anyway.

About Penninsula Regional Medical Center

Penninsula Regional Medical Center: Providing Exceptional Healthcare Services

Penninsula Regional Medical Center is a leading healthcare provider in the United States, offering a wide range of medical services to patients. The center is dedicated to providing exceptional care to its patients and improving their overall health and well-being. With state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained medical professionals, Penninsula Regional Medical Center has become one of the most trusted names in healthcare.

The center's mission is to provide high-quality, compassionate care that meets the needs of its patients. It strives to be a leader in healthcare innovation by using advanced technology and evidence-based practices. Penninsula Regional Medical Center also places great emphasis on patient safety, ensuring that all procedures are performed with the utmost care and attention.

Services Offered

Penninsula Regional Medical Center offers a wide range of medical services, including:

1. Cancer Care: The center provides comprehensive cancer care services, including diagnosis, treatment, and support for cancer patients.

2. Cardiology: Penninsula Regional Medical Center has an experienced team of cardiologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

3. Emergency Medicine: The emergency department at Penninsula Regional Medical Center is staffed by highly trained physicians who are available 24/7 to provide immediate medical attention.

4. Neurology: The center's neurology department specializes in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy, migraines/headaches etc.

5. Orthopedics: Penninsula Regional Medical Center offers comprehensive orthopedic services for bone fractures or joint replacements etc., with experienced surgeons performing surgeries like hip replacement surgery or knee replacement surgery etc..

6. Pediatrics: The pediatric department at Penninsula Regional Medical Center provides specialized care for children from infancy through adolescence.

7. Women's Health Services: From routine gynecological exams to complex surgeries like hysterectomy or breast reconstruction after mastectomy etc., women can receive comprehensive health services at this facility.

Patient-Centered Approach

At Penninsula Regional Medical Center patient-centered approach means that every aspect of patient’s experience revolves around them - from scheduling appointments online or over phone call; receiving personalized treatment plans tailored specifically according their needs; getting access to latest technologies & treatments available; having access 24/7 emergency room service if needed; receiving follow-up calls after discharge from hospitalization so they can ask any questions about their recovery process etc..

The center believes that every patient deserves individualized attention when it comes down taking care of their health concerns which makes them stand out among other hospitals across America.

Advanced Technology

Penninsula Regional Medical Centre uses advanced technology throughout its facilities which helps doctors diagnose diseases more accurately & quickly than ever before! They have invested heavily into latest equipment like MRI machines (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) which allows doctors see inside body without invasive procedures like surgery; CT scans (Computed Tomography) which creates detailed images organs/tissues/bones inside body using X-rays & computer software programs ; PET scans (Positron Emission Tomography) used detect cancer cells early stages before they spread too far away from original site where tumor started growing initially.


In conclusion,Penninsular regional medical centre stands out as one of the best hospitals across America due its commitment towards providing exceptional healthcare services with cutting-edge technology while keeping focus on individualized attention towards each patient’s unique needs . With highly skilled professionals working round-the-clock ,patients can rest assured knowing they are receiving top-notch quality treatment here!

Penninsula Regional Medical Center

Penninsula Regional Medical Center
