Savannah Alfred

4 years ago

Where to begin! Let's start with the first inciden...

Where to begin! Let's start with the first incident and work our way up...
My daughters birth was not a happy experience like it should have been. When my daughter was born, the doctor was supposed to be off at 7:00am but my daughter didn't come until 7:04am, so she rushed so she could go home and shortly after we discovered that she never got all of the placenta out of me and I had a nasty infection in my uterus and had to be re-admitted to the hospital shortly after being sent home with my newborn. Also, when I was in labor and received the epidural the nurse never looked over my chart to see that I have scoliosis, she hit a nerve or something and it caused me to lose all motor control in my left leg for 2-3 hours. I was unable to lift my leg up, let alone hold it still in the stirrup, my mother had to actually hold my leg up for me (bless her) now I suffer from nerve pain in my hips because of the incident.
Next, my grandmother got admitted to the ER because she was really sick, well they put her in a room and basically forgot about her. She was hardly ever checked on, and they wouldn't listen when we told the nurses that it was too cold in the room for her, well she got pnuemonia from the hospital (they even admitted it to us to "ease" our pain) and died 2 days later. She would have been fine, and would have been able to see her great-granddaughter grow up if it wasn't for them.
I suffer from IBS and some other more personal stomach problems, I was scared and did not know what was going on with me so I went to the ER numerous times due to the pain I had. They just gave me this GI cocktail and sent me on my way, they never looked into the problem. I had to go to Atlantic General to finally get diagnosed with my problems and to get them taken care of.
The wait time at this hospital is ridiculous. Just today I went in for a head injury, I suffered from light sensitivity, dizziness, I was slurring my words, was unable to speak my thoughts properly and my entire body was just weak... It took TWO HOURS to be taken back to a room, then another hour just to be seen by the doctor. They sent me for a catscan and some labwork. They claim everything came back completely fine, just like they did with my stomach problems, they always said everything was fine, then I was basically forgotten in my room. I got dressed and demanded to be discharged.
Also today there was a nurse texting and "driving" a wheel chair, and she ran this older gentleman right into a wall! His wife tore that nurse a new one.....

This hospital is pathetic, the wait times are ridiculous, the doctor's and nurses are rude and don't look into your problems 100%, they just guess the first thing they think of and send you on your way. Don't get me wrong, you do occasionally get the good nurse who is polite and cares but with all the bad treatment I have received from here I will never be going back to PRMC again, I would honestly rather drive 50 minutes to Atlantic General because they are a great hospital.


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