Reviews 10
Most recent
3 years ago

Of course there are many things that need to be im...

Of course there are many things that need to be improved. Top of the list is to turn around the decline of this wonderful world and make users the focus, not the enemy. But I love Second Life. It is an integral part of my RL. I thank LL for creating a place through which I have been able to make my RL dreams come true.

3 years ago

You have abandoned one of your best games. Blocksw...

You have abandoned one of your best games. Blocksworld. If you read this please take consideration in updating the game. It has been a year. You have abandoned it. Hackers are able to upload custom textures. We need you guys back. Please update the game. I dont want to see the game die out due to abandonment. Please update the game for all the people who play blocksworld. It would be sad to see it die from abandoment.

4 years ago

Lindenlab is a Lier tay told me i would made agepl...

Lindenlab is a Lier tay told me i would made ageplay thats not true i have give all logs the Police and the Police say" they cant nothings see from this. So LL is a big leir and steal Money i have tons Linden Dollars and i have a Shop on Marketploace i get ever a Mail thats someone buy stuff. LL close this shop not and steal all Linden. I have never do ageplay and this i can Prove and i have over 200 Friends where can tell this too. i dunno who tells around i would do this but thats not true. fact is i give this now the Justize. i know one German guy who did this too and had win for jugde and had get 5 million dollars from lindenlab so i will do this too cause LL works Illegal they Allowed Premiummembers to do ageplay and gasic member where this not do get a ban for this and i can this prove too. and i will set this on all website of the world thats all can see the true face from lindenlab

4 years ago

They lose sight of the customers and users of thei...

They lose sight of the customers and users of their Second Life service quite often. Often times rules of conduct and use are broken on their services, but these issues are not addressed properly in many cases. They allow for the marketplace they acquired to be misused and abused by users who often times are engaged in selling illegitimate goods but do nothing about it. They instead tend to take the side of the abusers of their service in many cases and fail to properly address issues. Land prices are prohibitively expensive under artificial reasoning, support is missing for most users whether paid account or not, and any opposition to their decisions (no matter how maligned with their users) is normally met with apathy at best. Perhaps part of the reason for all of this is that their rule breakers are making them some massive money in illegal online gambling (disallowed under federal law in the US) via their virtual land and marketplace products. Items on their marketplace product that are stolen or sold without proper license are allowed to proliferate since Linden Lab gets a cut of every micro-transaction within that service that is above a certain amount. Most of the user-base of the Second Life offering are not paid members, are responsible for the majority of the content, but under the recently revised TOS users no longer have proper rights to their own creations. This is stated to be the case no matter if the item was created before or since the changes. This has caused multitudes of content creators to pursue other venues for which they can peddle their creations, leaving Linden Lab and it's Second Life product behind them. For all the issues I have been a user of the product for nearly 7 years, but since all my creations can be easily ported to other venues such as InWorldz I have no real reasoning to remain where my creations are not properly respected by a company who wishes it's users to create the world around them, or where the company charges outrageous amounts for it's virtual land offerings. I'll take my marbles and play elsewhere. Somewhere where content creators are appreciated, valued, and respected. Somewhere where markets are not artificially manipulated, and rules are properly enforced. Somewhere where support is not just for those with deep enough pockets to pay for the "Linden in the pocket".

4 years ago

I've been in Second Life since November 2008. I've...

I've been in Second Life since November 2008. I've watched it flourish then over the last 2 years spiral down as if it were a lead balloon. Just today, after spending 4 hours working on a 200 prim business build and locking it in place when receiving a restart notification, i come back to find it gone. There is no place on the "file a support ticket"
form to even ask for help with this type of problem. The last TOS update stated in no uncertain terms that LL would not be liable for any losses in Second Life and bound the user to arbitration if a smart lawyer somewhere found a way to legally pursue them for a loss.
The large land holders in Second Life probably have some leverage due to the tens of thousands of real dollars the pay in "tier" fees every month. For the everyday user, i'd not spend anything more than you are willing to never see again.

4 years ago

Dear Sir,

Dear Sir,
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, please pass it on to the necessary party, or let me know ,where to direct this too.
SECOND LIFE -Homepage :-
' Experience endless surprises (def. astonishing ),unexpected delights (def. enjoy ) , in a world created and imagined by people like you '
It goes on to say :- ' Fun noteworthy places to visit '.
This includes creating a 'Live Music Venue' 'fun noteworthy places to visit' , spending thousands of linden dollars . Filming creativity , to 'delight' in their music and to give the performers and venue owners the pleasure of seeing their creativity and performance , preserved for prosperity . Creating history of SL .
When it goes wrong , Linden Labs have an abuse process , they state :- ' Abuse occurs when someone violates TOS and or CS and welcome area guidelines , intentionally or maliciously ' . Includes ' Abuse through voice chat , on going abusive behaviour'.
In Real Life , under UK laws , this behaviour may constitute :-
1. Cyber Bullying '
2. An offence against The Computer Misuse Act 1990 .
3. An offence against the Communixcations Act 2003
4. Slander
5. Harrassment .
The process of reporting is to file an 'Abuse Report '. They reply by email , implying they will deal with it .
However , is it a 'surprise or a delight to.... ?'
1. Have your visitors and performers barged , verbally abused , your sim (part of sim ) crashed , venue crashed .
2. To be forced to close said venue , sim , because of on going abuse , behaviour .
3. To be followed and abused , harassed at your own home .
4. To loose thousands of Linden dollars setting up a venue only to be moved on , forced to close .
I can identify individuals from almost daily unwanted contact , who , carry out this behaviour and abuse . They create multiple accounts on a daily basis. Main account names appear to be Admiral and Nym . I have information that allegedly gives their RL names and locations . They create bloggs about their activity in SL .
Is this behaviour a violation of TOS , CS . We are two of a growing number of frustrated residents , even Premium account holders who have been subjected to months of abuse . Causing , extreme anxiety , stress , inconvenience , beyond belief . There is no pleasure , no enjoyment , no nice surprises .
You then file an abuse report , get no reponse, to find out from a call taker at LL that you have to be a premium account holder . So , it would appear the person who is not is ignored .

What reassurances and actions can you give me relating to the following :-
1. To stop the same people making numerous accounts 50 or more each and counting , creating accounts on a daily basis , with the soul purpose of 'griefing ' others ?
2. Can Linden Labs track and block IP addresses ?
3. What can Linden Labs do for us .

Yours Faithfully ,
Annasue Barzane and Robert69 Little

So now Linden Lab switched to server baking to help reduce the chances of griefers crashing sims among other things .. so now griefers are over loading sims with scripts that over load users graphic cards that cause computers into a graphic card failure/memory dump reboot.. with reports of some graphic cards actually being damanged.

About Linden Lab

Linden Lab: A Pioneer in Digital Entertainment

Linden Lab is a renowned developer of digital entertainment that has been inspiring users to create, socialize, share, and have fun for over two decades. Founded in 1999 by Philip Rosedale, the company has been at the forefront of virtual reality and online gaming with its flagship product Second Life.

The company's mission is to empower people to create and connect through immersive experiences that transcend physical boundaries. Linden Lab believes that everyone should have the freedom to express themselves creatively and interact with others in meaningful ways regardless of their location or background.

Second Life: A Virtual World Like No Other

Second Life is Linden Lab's most popular product, a virtual world where users can create their own avatars and explore a vast landscape filled with other players from around the globe. The platform allows users to build anything they can imagine using an intuitive set of tools that require no coding skills.

From designing custom clothing and furniture to building entire cities or even planets, Second Life offers endless possibilities for creative expression. Users can also attend live events such as concerts, art exhibitions, or educational seminars hosted by other players.

One of the unique features of Second Life is its economy based on virtual currency called Linden Dollars (L$). Users can earn L$ by selling their creations or providing services such as hosting events or teaching classes. They can then use L$ to buy goods and services from other players or cash out into real-world currency.

Beyond Second Life: New Horizons in Digital Entertainment

While Second Life remains a cornerstone of Linden Lab's portfolio, the company has also ventured into new areas of digital entertainment in recent years. In 2018 it launched Sansar, a platform for creating social VR experiences accessible on desktops and VR headsets.

Sansar allows creators to build immersive environments ranging from realistic simulations like museums or historical sites to fantastical worlds like sci-fi landscapes or magical forests. Users can explore these environments alone or with friends while interacting with objects and characters within them.

Another area where Linden Lab has made significant strides is blockchain technology. In 2020 it launched Tilia Pay - an integrated payment system designed specifically for virtual economies like those found in Second Life - which uses blockchain technology for secure transactions across borders without intermediaries involved.

In addition, Linden Lab has announced plans for Project Cambria - an ambitious new project aimed at creating "the next generation" metaverse (a collective virtual shared space) that will enable seamless interaction between different platforms including VR headsets mobile devices PCs consoles etc..

SEO-Optimized Content That Outranks Competitors

As you've read above about Linden Labs' history & products they offer; It's clear how innovative this company is when it comes down towards digital entertainment & technology advancements.
This SEO-optimized content will help you understand why this company stands out among competitors.
With over two decades worth experience under its belt & having created one-of-a-kind products such as Second life & Sansar; It's no wonder why so many people are drawn towards this brand.
Not only does it offer endless possibilities when it comes down towards creativity but also provides opportunities for individuals who want financial gain through their creations.
Furthermore; With Tilia Pay being introduced recently along with Project Cambria being announced; This shows how much potential there still lies within this brand.
So if you're looking forward towards experiencing something unique & innovative within digital entertainment then look no further than Linden Labs!