Reviews 13
Most recent
3 years ago

I am not happy with this.

I am not happy with this.
I spent 5 months in budget management.

1. Contact person cannot be reached
2. The promise to avoid getting more debt is not kept. They do not pay on time, which means that reminders go up and you end up losing more.

I find this last point especially very intense. You give someone else complete control over your money. You entrust your financial situation to another, unknown person, expecting that you will be helped and that you will no longer be stressed around agencies. The stress is still there because you see that nothing is paid, you receive reminders from all kinds of authorities, you do not get in touch with your contact person and so you are not able to do anything about it than just look with bad eyes how, thanks to Kredietbank Nederland, more debts are incurred.


3 years ago

Have to ask twice for information about a receptio...

Have to ask twice for information about a reception before finally responding (3 months after the previously communicated contact moment).

The answer received at that time is incomplete and unclear. When asked, the response is downright blunt.

4 years ago

Very bad company. Do not meet their agreements eve...

Very bad company. Do not meet their agreements every week. Do nothing about it. Money is not deposited, and if you call, contacts cannot be reached. Altogether there have been more than 30 weeks that the money was not deposited on time. For debt assistance, I would stay VERY far away from this company. Even if your municipality recommends it. Find another debt help yourself.

About Kredietbank Nederland

Kredietbank Nederland: Providing Financial Assistance and Social Credit Services

Kredietbank Nederland is a financial institution that offers assistance to individuals who are struggling with debt and provides social credit services. The company has been in operation for several years, providing reliable and effective solutions to people who need help managing their finances.

The primary goal of Kredietbank Nederland is to help people get out of debt and achieve financial stability. They offer a range of services that are designed to meet the needs of different clients, including budget coaching, debt restructuring, and social credit lending.

One of the key features that sets Kredietbank Nederland apart from other financial institutions is their commitment to providing personalized service. They understand that every client has unique needs and circumstances, which is why they take the time to listen carefully before developing a customized plan for each individual.

If you're struggling with debt or need help managing your finances, Kredietbank Nederland can provide you with the support you need. Their team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to develop a plan that fits your specific situation.

In addition to their debt management services, Kredietbank Nederland also offers social credit lending options. This means that they provide loans at lower interest rates than traditional lenders for individuals who may not qualify for loans elsewhere due to poor credit history or other factors.

Their social credit program also includes education on responsible borrowing practices so clients can learn how best manage their finances in order not fall into further debts in future.

Overall, Kredietbank Nederland is an excellent choice if you're looking for reliable financial assistance or social credit services. With their personalized approach and commitment to helping clients achieve long-term financial stability, they are one of the top providers in this field.

Why Choose Kredietbank Netherlands?

There are several reasons why choosing Kredietbank Netherlands as your go-to institution when it comes down managing your finance:

1) Personalized Service: As mentioned earlier on this article , one thing that sets them apart from other institutions is their dedication towards offering personalized service tailored towards meeting individual needs.

2) Experienced Professionals: The team at KreditBank Netherlands comprises experienced professionals who have been trained extensively on how best handle different situations related finance management.

3) Social Credit Lending Options: Unlike traditional lenders whose loan requirements may be too stringent especially when it comes down bad credits history; kreditBank Netherland's Social Credit Program provides loans at lower interest rates than traditional lenders making it easier for those who may not qualify elsewhere due poor credits history or other factors.

4) Education on Responsible Borrowing Practices: In addition kreditBank Netherland's Social Credit Program includes education on responsible borrowing practices so clients can learn how best manage their finances in order not fall into further debts in future.

Services Offered by KreditBank Netherlands

1) Budget Coaching - This service helps individuals create budgets based on income levels while taking into account expenses such as rent/mortgage payments , utilities bills etc . It also teaches them how track spending habits so they can identify areas where cut back expenses without compromising quality life standards .

2) Debt Restructuring - This involves negotiating payment plans creditors behalf debtor(s). It helps reduce monthly payments while extending repayment periods thus making it easier pay off debts over time without accruing additional interests charges .

3) Social Credit Lending - As mentioned earlier this program provides loans at lower interest rates than traditional lenders making it easier those who may not qualify elsewhere due poor credits history or other factors .

4) Financial Education - This involves educating individuals about personal finance management skills such as budgeting , saving money investing wisely etc . It equips them knowledge necessary make informed decisions regarding money matters thus avoiding falling deeper into debts.


In conclusion,KreditBank Netherlands offers comprehensive solutions when it comes down managing personal finance issues ranging from budget coaching all way up restructuring existing debts through its various programs like Social Credits Lending option which makes borrowing affordable even those whose credits histories might be less favorable compared others.This coupled with its team experienced professionals dedicated towards offering personalized service tailored meet individual needs makes them stand out among competitors within industry.So if looking reliable partner assist achieving long term financial stability then look no further than kreditBank Netherland!

Kredietbank Nederland

Kredietbank Nederland
