Ellis County Sheriff's Office

Ellis County Sheriff's Office Review

Reviews 7
Reviews 7
Most recent
4 years ago

Inaccurate confirmation of abuse was identified an...

Inaccurate confirmation of abuse was identified and then picked up by the FBI. And the FBI thought it was a joke and they should have easily been able to indentify the person in the photo. Thank you FBI for your knowledge and legitimacy.

4 years ago

I am currently going through a constitutional orde...

I am currently going through a constitutional ordeal and have been for 15 months. I stay at a motel Hwy.175. A waxahachie or Dallas suburban was parked here and there was no disturbances here. I so happen to live in waxahachie. Please check into this.

4 years ago

FULL DISCLOSURE: White Male who recently spent a l...

FULL DISCLOSURE: White Male who recently spent a little less than 12 hours in custody at this detention center.

This place is criminally (haha jail pun) understaffed and/or mismanaged (I think a majority percentage is b/c of this reason). Inmates and their needs are OFTEN disregarded in favor of the officers/staffs propensity for social interactions with each other. I had the displeasure of observing the front office "work" for nearly 12 straight hours on the recently and it was one of the most disheartening experiences I've ever had with any law enforcement department (first being the circumstances that led to the arrest). The folks being held were not treated with respect and dignity, and that deeply saddened me. To be clear, no one was mistreated, though there was one altercation with an inmate that led to almost a 45 min "break" for everyone in the building it seemed (officers/staff came from all over the build just to WATCH as 6+ other officers actually dealt with the admittedly unruly inmate. However it still stands to reason that with the back log going on and unorganized nature of the department, it struck me as unacceptable. Most of the officers were anything but professional, however there was one that worked the front desk who seemed to have every job description in the book short of cleaning who worked his BUTT off but was only perpetually distracted by other officers questions, social prompts, and other peoples work that it seemed almost impossible for him to get his actual work done. He was the only person in that building I'd actually commend for doing his "job".

Overall, this entire experience has not only severely impacted the amount of respect and trust I have in the people who "protect and serve" us here in rural Texas, but also damaged my faith in their ability to handle a real emergency.

Be careful out there folks, I'm sure there are a lot of good eggs that work for the county, I witnessed a couple, but there are also some with painfully obvious, dangerous, egotistical, and self-serving tendencies that will prevent them from ever being able to serve their jurisdictions to their fullest ability that every citizen in America, and especially the county, expects them to serve at.

4 years ago

Intimidation tactics seem to be used commonly by b...

Intimidation tactics seem to be used commonly by both County law enforcement, Waxahachie PD, as well as the Parks Department. For many years I ve enjoyed visiting Getzendaner Park. I d tell one of my Constable friends that he should bring his wife to walk on the hike & bike trail. And maybe some of the other guys from other LE agencies would enjoy riding mountain bikes there like I once used to enjoy.

One sunny day I drove in and parked at Getzendaner Park. You d think there would be nothing wrong with that. I happened to look over my shoulder at the old, closed Baylor Hospital building and noticed several vehicles there. I thought perhaps the building had sold and wondered if it was going to be somehow repurposed. So I m just sitting there in my vehicle at the park and suddenly a man in green clothing appears in my rear view mirror as he quickly opens a back door from inside the building. He s just standing there staring at me. Then soon out comes another man in body armor with an AR ready for confrontation. I guess they had been watching me from the second floor windows. What in the world? The well armed man quickly sets up behind a transformer outside and adjacent to the park entrance/exit ready to engage me. They were clearly looking for a fight. I had no knowledge of who these people there were and what they were doing. There was nobody else visible outside the vacant building. Just regular cars and pickups and at least one or two moving trucks near the exterior. I didn t know in advance that law enforcement was there. Yet they re ready to kill me and I was merely a park visitor like all the years before. This was without any doubt an obvious offensive move on their part and nothing defensive about it.
It would be one thing entirely different if I had parked by them and was approaching. But I m downhill at the Getzendaner Park minding my own business sitting still. In all the time that had gone by, the two men hadn t changed their intentions or location. Feeling my life in danger, I left and slowly drove out of the park. I had no choice but to go through the only exit where the two armed men were waiting for a fight. These were definitely Ellis County sheriff deputies. I was unarmed and had only come to enjoy Getzendaner Park on that sunny day just like countless other times over the years. I have friends in law enforcement and understand the dangers, but these men clearly were using intimidation tactics against me and came looking for a fight. I had done nothing wrong at all. Never exited my vehicle and had been innocently just sitting in my vehicle at Getzendaner Park.

Other folks in law enforcement that are aware of all that has gone on are totally correct in their assessment of Ellis County and other small town agencies. Even a long time Ellis County judge, a friend of mine, warned me to not pursue a career as a law enforcement officer in Ellis County. They think they can get away with this type behavior and abuse the powers and positions they hold. I have no criminal record nor do I ever engage in criminal activity. I have a perfect driving record. Don t smoke, don t drink, don t use drugs, don t dip or chew or abuse anything. I repeatedly pass drug tests and background checks for employment. Not perfect by any means, just giving some background info. In Ellis County you d think I was a criminal from what all has occurred with city and county employees. This has made for a very nasty pattern of behavior on their parts to say the least. It all seems to stem from a problem Parks Department employee who got in trouble for stalking and harassing me over the years as I visited graves. His fellow employees then retaliated against me with intimidation tactics and nonverbal threats of violence in addition to using city pickups to harass me & block my vehicle. My further reporting these disturbing incidents resulted in the sheriffs office and police department being given my vehicle description and my own description as revenge. Something stinks very badly and it s all coming from certain people in Ellis County.

Ellis County Sheriff's Office

Ellis County Sheriff's Office
