
4 years ago

I went as an emergency patient in Dental 1st timer...

I went as an emergency patient in Dental 1st timer..I had a tooth that needed to be extracted.. receptionist was very nice they said that I could b seen that day...my wait was short which was good...they took my weight,bld pressure n xray ...when Doctor(Lee) came in she looked @ my tooth n said she will NOT b pullin tooth on that day..I asked why not n she really didn't give me an explanation..I asked did I have infection..she said no..so i was like..I'm in pain n need tooth pulled n that receptionist said they can pull today..Doc told me that receptionist only do front end stuff n r not the doctors...she also told me that I need to make appt n next appt would b Nov6th..well that was unexceptable..so I went bck up to receptionist who thought I got the tooth pulled..I told her Doc won't pull n I need someone that will..she was very surprised tooth wasnt pulled..well she told me @ that time I need to make appt...I said i need a different Doc...so I made an appt for the following week..I get to the appt n was told that my new Doc had an emergency n not in tha building..I didn't receive a call to let me kno Doc not in...so seein that it was within walk in hours..I say can I see next Doc available..I was told NO...needed to make another appt n next avail was 2wks away now @this time...my tooth had broken n I was in extreme pain...so I did make appt but when I made it to parking lot I made a phone call to next dentist @RGH n they made me an appointment that same day 30min away so I went str8 there n got the relief I was lookin for..they pulled that bad tooth so after that appt I decided to do my business w them in their new state of the art facility so for the last 2 days I have been calling Jordan to cancel my appts n haven't been able to reach a live receptionist just a recording that says leave a message...well I left 2 messages let them kno to give me a call n as of 3 days later...no call...I even called today...lol answer machine again smh...another thing is ...u have to go thru run around on the phone just to get to the dentistry dept...I asked for their personal extension...I was told...only in house extension ..man o man...bad business n I will never recommend anyone or go their again!!! Thanx 4 this forum


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