Don Carr

3 years ago

The trip to the cheese factory is a special treat ...

The trip to the cheese factory is a special treat to sample the latest additions and discover how best to serve them. Here's a sure winner recipe that will bring raving requests for more: Grate/shred Black River's 'Sizzling Hot Havarti' cheese over a mound of 'Hint of Lime' flavoured Tostito chips. Micro wave them until melted (about 45 seconds). Then serve and watch the approval rating soar from your guests. Also works with Black River Salsa Cheese.
Now if you want the best tasting grilled cheese sandwiches ever, use BR marble cheese with its snappy blend of sharp cheddar and gooey mozzarella. Serve on ancient grain or rye bread with dill pickle slices on the side.


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