
luigi isabella

3 years ago

I arrived at the emergency room on 7/01 /

I arrived at the emergency room on 7/01 /
2019 with a fever of 40 and they immediately handled it. They diagnosed me with pneumonia so after the first treatments (antibiotic and paracetamol and rehydration), they sent me home asking, in writing, for a check-up for Saturday 12 in the morning. Excellent first impression from the triage to the handling by doctors and nurses, to the kindness and cleanliness in general.
Saturday I come back and at 10:20 am they register me at the triage where they ascertain that I have no fever, thank God, and the pressure is ok, and with my nice green code, I am going to wait, wait, wait. After 5 hours they call me to get a blood sample, in 5 min.
I'm back in the waiting room to wait for the results, which arrived after about 2 hours.
Now, everything is fine and I am the first to say that the yellow and red codes have ABSOLUTE PRECEDENCE, but why make me wait 5 hours if a sample that was done by a nurse was enough?
Question: and let me do it immediately, and then later with the results, let me see the doctor? In this way, in addition to staying 7 absurd hours on the chairs in the waiting room and it was really not easy, I "committed" a place for no reason.
Another hypothesis: why not let me go to the hospital during the week, so much was it a checkup?
Here this post is not meant to be a criticism because these doctors and nurses really do beyond their work and you can not ask them more, but the post mechanism does not work, so it is a simple report, because I think it is time to stop complaining without propose anything.


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