J M Sample

4 years ago

Had a planned cesarean in June of 2015. That went ...

Had a planned cesarean in June of 2015. That went very well. Had the worst experience with the post partum nurses & nursery nurses. I was treated so badly that I had nightmares about this place for months afterwards. A night nurse named Sylvia had me sit up at the foot of the bed to dangle my legs over the edge. She told me she would be back in 10 minutes. 50 minutes later I started trying to work myself back into a lying position. I could not reach the call button. So painful! I do not know why I was treated so poorly. Had such a terrible time nursing my 10lb baby who was screaming from hunger. I must have sat with her in our hot room, where the thermostat was broken, for hours trying to nurse. When I finally relented to having her taken to the nursery so I could rest, the nursery nurse calls me up to ask me if I had done drugs during my pregnancy! Which I never had!! Don't they test the meconium for just that! Bc my baby was crying so loudly (from hunger) & was sweating on her head. I researched that & found that newborns can only sweat on their heads & hands. I didn't sleep. I cried the whole night. I asked for my baby to be returned to me & was told by one nurse that I could try feeding her through a hanging bottle & tube through a nipple shield. When I asked for it, a different nurse told me no, that it was too much of a mess & such a hassle! Hours more with a screaming hungry baby & bloody nipples with me shaking in angst. Finally a nicer nurse brought me the hanging bottle. She ate 3 oz in under 3 minutes! In the morning a case worker came to my room. I was humiliated & devastated. I asked to be dismissed & was told that I had 15 min to make it to the dismissal class. So I painfully limped to the class. I could barely walk & my ankles were HUGE & painful. Then when it was time to go home I had to ask for a wheel chair & got the biggest eye roll & sigh I've ever seen! I could barely walk! Nevertheless carry my baby and all my things safely outside.
Also, nobody checked on our carseat installation like I was told would happen in the many, many birthing classes I took at THIS hospital.
I shared all this with you so you can make a better decision & go elsewhere for your babies birth. They ruined what should have been the most beautiful experience of my life! And I can never, ever get that back.
The only positive thing I can say about this hell hole is that food was very good.


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