Corrine Riviella

3 years ago


WHY CAN I NOT GIVE NEGATIVE STARS. I live in Lynnwood Park in North Carolina and it is AWFUL. First off, the first few months I lived there I lived under a tenant who kept their dog inside, let him urinate and defecate inside the apartment, and was infested with fleas and roaches - which migrated into my apartment and forced me to buy extra flea prevention for my cats. The man also compulsively smoked inside the apartment causing my apartment to wreak like cigarettes, - I work in a hospital and smelling like that is unacceptable - I had to stay at my mothers place multiple times during the week and then I had to be gone from the apartment for multiple days so they could use an ozone machine to get rid of the disgusting smells. Even still to this day since I moved in August of last year, it STILL smells in there. Then, my toilet exploded. Literally water was spewing out of the toilet like Mt. Vesuvius and it was a HUGE disaster and mess to clean up. After that, my next door neighbor decided to turn his heat off in the middle of winter right before we got a huge snow storm, the management refused to turn his heat on which caused me to have to turn my heat up costing me more money for my electricity bill, and the pipes in the wall we shared froze and burst flooding my bathroom and destroying my vanity and the wall as well as an outlet in the wall that water was spewing out of. I of course immediately called maintenance when I got home from work and they came over and turned off my water and LEFT ME WITHOUT WATER for over a day. I had to take off work to be there so they could gut half of the bathroom and make the repairs. They made a mess in my apartment, left dust and spackle and nails everywhere. They cut a hole in the wall where they replaced the pipes and instead of putting drywall in the giant hole, they FILLED IT WITH SPACKLE. It is not sturdy or up to code. They also replaced the baseboard and cut it too short, so instead of getting another piece of wood they used, you guessed it, more spackle to fill in the missing 3 inches of baseboard from the wall all the while taking off a chunk of the wall itself. They didn't even nail the baseboard in entirely and there were nails sticking out and left on the floor which my cats could have eaten and died from! it has been over a month now and no one has fixed any of this. I have already been electrocuted from the outlet as I had stupidly assumed it would have been replaced since water was pouring out of it. It was not and I have contacted management several times regarding this and sent photos and nothing has been done. This is a safety hazard to me and my pets as well as anyone else in the building if it causes a fire! UNACCEPTABLE. It looks like Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder got together and did the work. I could have done better myself for gods sake.


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