3 years ago

On a recent trip to Las Vegas I was excited to try...

On a recent trip to Las Vegas I was excited to try out Gordon Ramsay's Steak restaurant, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. As a former Chef with culinary training (not just a title) my expectations of mid to somewhat high priced restaurant are somewhat high. However there are basics with every restaurant that are absolutes in my book. Hot food should be hot, cold food cold and proteins adequately seasoned and cooked according to request. I ordered Gordon's signature Beef Wellington. I even joked with the server that this dish was going up against my British Nan's. He assured me that my Nan may learn a thing or two from them at Steak. I had a good giggle and was very optimistic.

I started out with an onion soup of sorts and the flavour was brilliant but the texture was odd. Its hard to explain but its the best choice for a description. The bread selection that served was delightful and not something I will soon forget.

I brought this to the attention of the service staff who apologized and offered to have the dish remade but with a 45 minute preparation time I was certain to miss the curtain call for the show I was going to that evening. I was given fresh asparagus which were wonderful (which should have come out the first time). Regretfully I was resigned to a poorly executed Beef Wellington. I only managed to have a few bites and then politely asked the service staff to take it away as it was not a pleasant experience.

I also ordered a cider and was offered water during my visit. I decided to skip desert as I had enough disappointment for one evening. Mind you when I received the bill I was in for quite the shock. For one person it was over $100 USD, and $8 for the water. If I would have been informed on the cost of water I may have simply skipped it. That is a bit much in my estimation. There was no accounting for the food which was sent back and no follow-up from a manager. A bit disappointing and unprofessional in my humble estimation.

Overall I would suggest others try a different restaurant if they are looking for great food with the celeb chef experience. I am heading back to Las Vegas this weekend and am inclined to try Tom Colicchio's Craftsteak at the MGM


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