Nick Geere

4 years ago

Some facts from my experience of the service:

Some facts from my experience of the service:

1. The phone (a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact) was sent for screen repair. It was received by QMF on a Wednesday and returned the following Thursday (so 5 working days for repair rather than the suggested 24-48 hours).
2. The updates on the account management section of the website are virtually non-existent - it either says 'unfulfilled' or 'fulfilled' which doesn't give you a lot of information to go on.
3. If you phone them up, they are pleasant enough, but tend to give standard answers about 'nearing completion' rather than anything more specific.
4. The first repair was faulty - the screen came back damaged, the screen brightness was not working and the side of the case was marked. QMF accepted the phone back for further work without quibble (although did first ask for photos to be sent to them which was a little over the top given I informed them of the issue within 30 minutes of receiving the phone back).
5. The second repair took just as long as the first and the screen is now ok, the brightness has been fixed, but the side of the case is more damaged than before.
6. Communication during the second repair was non-existent and I would have expected better given the first repair was faulty.

Overall, therefore, I can't say I have been terribly impressed - it is good that the faulty first repair was fixed without issue (but I would expect this). Where QMF could and should have done better is making me feel as if they cared about the fact that things had gone wrong by trying harder the second time around.


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