Kat R Matthias

4 years ago

2 stars because I like the terrain on the mountain...

2 stars because I like the terrain on the mountain so 1 star for the front side and 1 star for the backside. But They completely rip you off and dont care! I spend 85$ yesterday up there on my lift ticket alone. (That's a day of work) I dropped my phone on the last run of the night and needed to go get it. I knew right where I left it taking a break.. They closed and the lifty said sorry nothing they can do. What the f#!$ I just spent 100 $ here and you won't even let my hike it to look for my phone that was brand new? Why? Why not? The chairs were still running. It was the Hogs back lifty. Blond long hair young boy. Rude. Uncaring and unprofessional. That phone costed me $800. Now I have to buy another one. And it could have been avoided if the they hired someone that cared. Ivr never felt so violated. I never want to spenf another penny here again. And if I can help others go somewhere else from now on I will ..
And let's talk about the lady the sold me my ticket. She didnt even have a clue there was an easter egg hunt on the mountain. In fact she said there wasnt. And there was. There was riddles and clues everyone on the mountain. (Older lady w/grey hair)
This place has lost it family integrity. I wish the old owners still ran it. It sucks now.
Not to mention I waisted over an hour of my ski time waiting to get my tab in the bar in the main lodge. New gurl bartender? She was rude and not very easy on the eye, rough around the edges in every way.. Dirty Blond hair Maybe? She doesnt deserve her job. People pay hundreds of dollars every time they visit here. Customer service should be 100% up there foe us to pay so much for it, but again new owners and low pay will always get bad employees. I ended up finally just walking out. Sorry stevens pass, I tried to pay but I also paid for skking and was truly done waiting. It was a small tab too. No reason why she couldn't just grab my money and cash me out real quick. I screamed a few times to her asking to close my tab. She just rudely told me to hold on and completely kept ignoring me. I couldnt even get my glass of water I asked for an hour prior .. And why was the original dude bartender guy not helping her? It was like he hated her too. Not a good vibe up there at all this year, wowzer. They dont care about ppl or there life or time up there any more. Its really disappointing . Bakers become better lately when it comes to good employees and fairness and Quality. I've had a few bad experiences here this year... Not to mention double paying on hope for the slopes, and no manager on duty to help correct it. Then yesterday when showing the receipt from hope foe slopes, they said they can't do anything to help me and the employee that said they could help if I came back, lied. Another 200 out the door, And so much more. Just bad people up there now ! Maybe they dont care who they hire?
I suggest anywhere else for a travelers 1st time.. In Washington.
This place sucks now. Completely sucks.
I am a huge promoter and my words carry far. I'm going to make sure the piblic, all my feiend and family and followers knows how wrong this place is and how bad you guys have wronged me and not made anything right.
Upset and disappointed is an understatment.

Just go somewhere else. Save your self from strife and stress and getting ripped off! And getting horrible customer service.


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