
3 years ago

Emma Coleman

Emma Coleman
'QMF ID: Regarding Order 214451 With Quick Mobile Fix

Where do i start...... AVOID THIS COMPANY!!!!!

I ordered a phone of this company in good faith at the start of January 2019 for my son for his birthday.
I received my phone very quickly after ordering which was great. but when I went to set the phone up the phone wouldn't turn on, charge or show any signs of charging. so I contacted the company which took an hour to get through to someone to be told the only thing they could do was sent the phone back and they will repair the handset which would take 7-10days to repair. I asked if I could have a replacement handset as it was coming up to my son's biryhday and as the error was on there end for sending a faulty handset I would have thought they would do all they could to help the situation. in which they replied it would take longer for a replacement to be sent out then for the repair??? What!!!! how does that make sense. so as I felt I had no choice I sent the handset back to be fixed.
7 days past and I still had no handset so I contacted them again to be told the device hadn't even been looked at as they had a back log of customers... to cut a long story short I called around 10 times sent around 30 emails where I was lied to, fobbed off and received apoling customer service. I asked to speak to a manager 3 or 4 times to which I got an excuse to why I couldn't talk to him and a promise of a call back which I never got.
after 4 stressful weeks I finally received the handset back and suprise suprise it was still faulty.
I contacted them back again and asked for a full refund to which they agreed and they stated I would recieve it within 30days of receiving the handset back.
I stated my rights as under the consumer right act 2015 I was entitled to a full refund within 14days as I was still in my 30 days wait period due to the fact the handset hadn't been on my possetion for 30days of receiving it the 1st time. to which they said it would be within the 30 days regardless. iv been waiting since 15th Feb 2019 for my refund and still have not received it 19 days after they received the handset back to them, so they haven't stuck to the consumer right act laws..
this company is a joke it's badly run there customer care/service is a disgrace. I have been put through 2months of hell and iv had no form of commensation for the amount of time, money and stress caused.
8-10 hours of my time on hold to this company chasing them and to get a handset back.
iv had to go out a buy another handset as my poor son had to wait a month to receive the handset back and then it to be a faulty handset again. I had no choice but to get him a phone from somewhere else.
please save you self any stress and upset and ur time and AVOID this company go through someone else.
Awaful experience for me and my poor son.


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