Christy Hagler

4 years ago

I went through this training 2 yrs ago. I had gott...

I went through this training 2 yrs ago. I had gotten to a point in my life that I wanted to just give up. I didnt know what else to do. I felt like everything was crumbling around me and I didnt have the strengh to fight it or carry the hurt or do the hard any more. Needleas to say that going through this training made me aware of how much I didnt love myself and felt I didnt hace much to offer this world. How could anyone love me if I didnt even love myself. Am I cured?? Absolutely not but I am continuing to learn that I AM ENOUGH just as I am because I was made special by my God. I was created perfectly just as I am.
I was taught growing up that when we face hardtimes, loose loved one or are hurting for any other reason that you just pull yourself up by your boot straps and push those feelings down and just go do life. How happy is that to live life that way. Well let me tell you....miserable!! I learned tools to help me while peeling back layers upon layers of feelings that I had learned to bury and disreguard and not deal with. I learned that its okay to feel the hurt...its okay to fall to your knees and cry out, scream, curl up in fetal position and cry like a baby is okay. It is a healing process and everyones look different.

I have also come to realize how much I heal or deal with feeling when listening to music. When I am dealing with something in particular how God shows up with just the right song when I need it. I feel that my walk with my father has grown so much expecially this last year. Something I longed for but didnt know what to do to change it or what I was lacking to feel that connection with God.

I still remember a comment that was made during the very begunning of my training that you may not feel like you have anything bad in your life to go through a training like this...its not the size of battle scar that you have or the next person has but how it has affected you and how you show up every day in life. Are you truly happy at gut level, can you deal with life when it throws you the biggest blow? What if you could learn tools to help you navigate through it. What if you told your story and thought you were the only person in a crowd full of people that dealt with whatever it may be only to find out how many others in that crowd deal or have dealt with that very same thing. It is pretty damn humbling to know your not alone in this big ole world. Life can be hard...BUT its ONLY HARD if you have the right tools to help get you on the other side.
I highly recommend this training to any and every person. To be able to find that person that you were truly created to be.To show up without mask on and be your authentic self.


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