
mark slap

3 years ago

To anybody that want's to hear my story?

To anybody that want's to hear my story?
My name is Mark, and I am an Alcoholic. This sounds like an AA meeting already.

I am 60 years old.
I remember when JFK died.
I remember when Martin died.
I remember when Bobby died.
And I remember when my mom died.

But the most important date for me in my life, is the day that I stopped drinking!

I started drinking beer in High School. Started smoking Pot and snorting Cocaine in college, I snorted Cocaine till I was 30 years old. It was the 80"s , and Cocaine was not addictive then? Remember people saying that? I lived in a great 2bdrm Duplex Loft in Greenwich Village.I got married had two beautiful daughters, and eventually moved to a house
in Armonk, NY.

In 2006 my wife threw me out of the house, with a restraining order on my 48th Birthday. I violated the Restraining Order the next day,and a detective in the Armonk Police Department who was a friend, asked me to turn myself in for the violation, I drove to the Police Station that same day DRUNK! Talk about "good people making bad decisions"! Spent a few days in jail, got a DUI, and Court Ordered Rehab.That was the day I decided I had to STOP DRINKING!

Well 10 years later in 2016 I finally stopped drinking. I checked myself in to Ocean Breeze Rehabilitation in Florida. This time not court ordered. It was my second time in Rehab. I connected with a great counselor David Greer. and he and others there saved my life, and brought me back to sanity. Clean and Sober now over 2 1/2 years. And there is a difference between being clean and being sober. So I am only really sober for One year. Clean for 1 1/2 years. I hope that this message will be of value to at least one person who might think they are an alcoholic.

God's Speed To All.
Mark Slap


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