D Allengi

3 years ago

I am really disappointed by these folks.

I am really disappointed by these folks.
I signed myself and my wife up for a retreat a few weeks before our home was flooded and made inaccessible by the Boulder County Flooding on 9/12/13. Our home is smack dab in the middle of a presidentially declared FEMA disaster. We ended up being okay and were evacuated by helicopter on 9/16/13.

The roads to our home were demolished. We left behind everything that did not fit in a single back pack each. Our vehicles are still sitting in our driveway unable to ford the washed out road. I remembered that we were signed up for a retreat and called to explain our situation. I ended up talking to several people who assured me that the Shambhala Mountain Center was "in the same boat" as we were...

Really? I wondered how their phone worked and how they could conduct a retreat. All of our food spoiled after the power went out. Is this a brown bag retreat? Our house is uninhabitable. I guess this is an opportunity for practice. Still I cannot imagine treating someone the way we were treated.
Not only did we never get a straight answer we still have not gotten a refund, a call back or even an answer to our very plain question... Could we have a refund. I was given several refunds after the flooding... Even my roofer... Not so with Shambhala Mountain Center.

I do not appreciate being treated this way and I am very surprised indeed. I hope the center needs our money worse than we do. I doubt it is possible. It is actually funny now, a "buddhist" retreat center adding to our sadness and stress level in the least responsible and totally un-compassionate way. I guess it is a joke. It sure looks that way from where I sit.


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