4 years ago


This auto dealership is based on dishonesty and will take extra money from you and not return the money.
Arrigo has a policy of requesting an additional dollar amount for your trade to cover the trade balance just in case . They will tell you that they will pay off your trade and then send you the difference.
At 30 days after purchasing my vehicle, I called and was told that the check was on the way . It obviously never showed. So I called again at day 40 and was informed that the check was ready and one of the Arrigos had to sign the check and it would be sent out. Obviously, once again, the check did not show.
It has now been 48 days since I purchased my vehicle with no refund of the extra money the Arrigos have taken from me and have thus refused to return. I have called multiple times and left multiple message; very few messages are returned and the staff is less than willing to provide any information.
There s a word for people who take money that is not theirs .THIEVES!!!


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