Becca Pilkington

3 years ago

Pathways Core Training provided me with an opportu...

Pathways Core Training provided me with an opportunity to do life differently. Prior to Pathways, I had spent most of my life in and out of counseling witb few results as to how to stop the cycle of abuse I endured as a child and was recreating in my adult life. I had been seeking love and approval from others to find my value and self worth. I always did for others without ever considering what I needed in any given situation. Pathways taught me how to live life from my heart and to give my feelings a voice. I learned that it was not only necessary for me to take care of me first but a requirement to have a great life. Pathways helped me change my legacy of abuse to a legacy of unconditional love for myself and my family.

This training is a game changer for myself as well as many other people...our military soldiers, special needs folks, cancer survivors as well as their families get restored...they deserve to have HOPE and it could be your energy that makes it happen. I pray that you choose to open your heart and mind to the endless possibilities that could happen by considering this training. #hopehappens #pathwayscoretraining


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