Gina Hall

3 years ago

This is for all the family members of the addict e...

This is for all the family members of the addict especially the wives/girlfriends. I want to start by saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with loving your addict. They are lovable people just like any other person. However I do need to remind you of a few things
1. You didn t cause it
2. You can t control it
3. You can t cure it
That being said there is hope. When your addict is ready to change their life a place like Ocean breeze is there to help.
Meanwhile YOU must get help to. We forget that the disease doesn t just affect the addict but instead it affects everyone around or associated with the addict. It s a very tumultuous relationship because we love the person but hate the addict. Please love yourself enough to seek NARANON. You won t survive this roller coaster ride without support and acceptance. NARANON is a place for us the one who suffers alone with no one to confide in, no one to express our true feelings to without ridicule or judgement. Having to live a double life one where we pretend all is well and we constantly make excuses versus our reality where we are hiding our wallets and belongings or car keys just so that we can get to work in the morning or take the kids to school. We are so exhausted because we can t let our secret to be revealed. NARANON was the best thing I ever did. I have been married over 20 years to my addict and I love him dearly. Only after I began to take care of myself was I able to continue with life while having the person I love suffer next to me. The education that I gain from attending meetings regularly gave me strength and courage and I was no longer ashamed or embarrassed because of my life. It isn t an easy road and sometimes we lose our love ones to the disease but it will definitely give you power you never knew you had and it will help you stay healthy. Thank you Ocean Breeze for helping to guide my husband when HE was ready. Family members please find the nearest NARANON meeting and take the first step in loving you as much as you love the addict.
Wish you all serenity and peace


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