H.K. H.

3 years ago

No Parking Anywhere near Floyd Medical Center. the...

No Parking Anywhere near Floyd Medical Center. the E.R. parking lot is pretty much reserved for the doctor's and security?? but not for the one's who need to park and get medical attention!!! There are 2 building that has the 'Harbin Clinic" sign's on them,so that only leaves the very poorly lit parking deck, and in my opinion at night I'm not parking in that deck it's unsafe!! the Doctor's and Nurse's have The Attitude that they are so much better than the average person, and they are doing you a major favor treating you. just seem's to me the whole staff at Floyd Medical Center from the top position to the lowest, has the attitude, that people has no other choice than 'Floyd Medical Center! they have FORGOTTEN THAT "FLOYD MEDICAL CENTER IS TAX PAYER FUNDED!!


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